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I cant believe she is pregnant" I stomped my feet in anger

 How dare she have a child and with someone who looks like a greek god on top of it. It should be me. She always gets everything while I left with nothing.

She was always my parents favorite. She could do no wrong. She even gets to take over our mothers company when she retires. Why not me? Why does she get it and I get stuck with nothing, except their disapointing looks they give me. She is their damn golden child. 

"I guess all of this was for nothing. There is no way they will break up now" Sawyer sighed

"I didn't wait almost six months to go through this plan for nothing. I will split them up if its the last thing I do" I stated bitterly

"I don't understand why you hate your sister so much" He commented getting on my last nerve

"Cause she gets everything. My parents always took her side over mine. She could do no wrong. So my childhood sucked because of her. So I will go through with my plan all the way up until its time to give birth.

The closer that day comes, the more stressed she will be and she will leave him"

"I don't think so. How can you be so cruel. She is having his baby. they are gonna be in each other lives no matter what.

If by some chance you do break them up, then what is keeping them from getting back together when the time comes for you to give birth and there is no baby? That's the moment she finds out that you lied about being pregnant and sleeping with Trent and your plan will back fire"

"We will see. Maybe all the stress from me telling them im having his baby will cause her to miscarry and I will still win"

"I never realized how evil you were until now. I'm not going to be apart of this plan anymore" He screams at me

"I dont need you anymore anyways. Just keep your mouth shut or you will be next on my hit list" I tell him and kick him out of my house



The sound of my phone going off to let me know I recieved a text woke me up from my slumper

"Sweetie can you meet me at the coffee shop in a hour?" My mother asked

"OK. is everything alright?"

It's fine. I just wanted to spend some time with you"

"OK, I need to tell you something anyways"

"OK honey, see you soon"


After getting ready for the day I walked into the kitchen to my sexy soon to be husband making breakfast

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head against his back

"Hey babe"

"Hey beautiful" He responds looking at me from over his shoulder

"My mom texted me wanting to get together"

He turns around and puts his arms around me as my hands move to his neck

"Ok, Have fun" He replied bending his head to gave me a sweet kiss on the lips "I'll see you when you get home"


Walking into the coffee shop I see my mom in a small corner booth. As I make my way towards her, she looks up and smiles, standing up to greet me. 

"Hey mom" I say wrapping my arms around her for a hug

"Hey sweetie, How are you and my grandbaby doing?" She asks putting her small hand on my belly

"We are good" 

"Do you want anything?"

"A blueberry muffin please"

"Ok sweetie. Be right back"

As I'm about to take a seat someone from behind yells my name, causing me to turn around


In front of me in one of my bestfriends since birth. My mom and hers is besties. Lexi, Adrianna and I were inseparable. When we graduated High School, she moved away for college. At first we talked all the time, but as we got older, the busier we became and lost contact about a year ago

"Lexi, Your back?"

"Yeah, I got back yesterday. I went to your moms house to surprise you and she told me you moved out and bought a house. I can't believe you are having a baby" She said when she eyed my belly

"Me neither" I giggled

"You look great. Your mom said you were four months, but you sure don't look like it"

"I know. I'm really lucky. Did my mom tell you to come here and surprise me cause it seems like you knew I would be here?"

"Yeah, I was with her when you invited everyone to the house party. She told me to come along and surprise you, but then you canceled, so we came up with this idea"

"I'm so happy to see you"

We sat done and continue to talk 

"Here you go Sweetie" My mom said as she made here way back to us, sitting my muffin on the table "I see your surprise has arrived. Hi, Alexis"

"Hi, Mrs. Williams"

My mom looks right at me with a serious look for a few seconds making me nervous "So Paisley, What are we having?"

"You have to wait until seven pm tomorrow. I'm going to do the gender reveal then"

" Oh c'mon. Your killing me here" She sighed putting her hands on her head

"Its one more night mom. You will survive" Causing me and Lexi to giggle

"So honey, what did you want to talk to me about?"


"What has she done now?" She sighed

So over the next twenty minutes I told her everything that happened the night before

"I can't believe your sister. Why wouldn't she tell your father and I she was pregnant?"

"Trent says she lying, He never slept with her. He is going to do that test that tells you if your the father"

"I don't think he slept with her. I love my daughter, but I know Ashleigh is a known liar. She may not know who the father is and she has always been jealous of you, so you said Trent"

"I hope you are right. To change the subject to happy news" I pull my ring out of my purse and slip it on my ring finger "Trent proposed to me Yesterday" I showed them the ring

"About damn time" My mother commented

"I'm so happy for you" Lexi smiled

"Mom we only been together six months"

"Feels longer than that"

"I never thought I'll see the day, your mom liked one of your boyfriends" Lexi laughed

"I know right. You should see Jaxon and Trent together. they were like best friends right away"

"No way" She looked shocked

"Well I'm going to let you guys catch up and I'll see you tomorrow night"

"Bye mom" I stand up and give her a hug and kiss on the cheek "Thanks for this wonderful surprise" I said referring to Lexi

"Bye Mrs. Williams"

"Bye girls"

"So what would you like to do?" Lexi asked

"Want to go to the mall?

"Yeah, lets go" We stood up and made our way to my car

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