18- Baby

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"Hey, it's going to be fine" Adrianna said as she pulled me into her arms

After what felt like hours crying in Adrianna arms on the bathroom floor, I finally was able to speak.

"I'm going to call my Gyn and see if I can get an appointment to make sure" She helped me up and we walked to my room and I used my cell to call. After about 15 minutes talking to the receptioness I got an appointment

"The doctor was able to fix me in. I need to be there within the hour"

"Would you like me to come?"


"Of course"

I went to my closet and got dressed. Then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

Forty five minutes later I walk into the doctors office and sign in. It was no time before they took me back and I had to pee in a cup. Now we are waiting on the results.

"I got your results back" The doctor said after we said our hellos "You are in fact pregnant. I would like to do an ultrasound to see exactly how far if you are ok with it"

"Yes, that's fine"

"Ok. Here is a sheet for cover. I need you to take everything waist down off" She stepped out side while I changed

A few moments later she knocked

"Come in"

She walked in with the machine

"Ok. Go ahead and lay back and relax. I am going to be doing a Vaginal scan since I don't believe you are far enough for the abdominal one yet."

"See that little black spot? Thats Your baby" I was in awe staring at the screen "By my meausments you seem to be about seven weeks along. Congratulations" She removed the wand thingy and handed me a photo of my baby

"Come back in four weeks and start taking prenatal vitamins" She exit soon after and I got dressed and headed toward the car

"What am I going to do?" I asked Adrianna when we got back to the apartment "I haven't seen or talked to Trent in two weeks" I start to break down crying

"How am I going to tell the man that broke my heart that I'm having his baby"

"Everything will work itself out, I promise.... Are you going to be ok? Do you need me to stay?"

"I'll be fine. Thanks for everything. I don't think I could of done it by myself"

"Anytime, If you need me I'm only a phone call away"

"Thanks" I hugged her tight and we said our goodbyes

I guess it's just best to get this over with. The longer I wait the worst it will get. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to the one person I hoped to never hear from again

"Can you come over? We need to talk"  I walked to the kitchen to make me a snack

A hour later finally came a reply

"There's nothing to talk about"


"I don't think its a good idea to see you"

"Why is that?"

"Cause you want be able to keep your hands off me when you see me"

"Almost forgot how big your ego is"

"You know I'm not easy to forget"

"I don't know if you are being a dick or flirting with me"

"Just being me, Sweetheart"

"Oh, you mean the player?"

"We aren't together Paisley, Who I sleep with is none of your concern" Ok I got to admit that stung

"You just proved my point. I can't believe I thought I changed you and you could settle down with me"

"That would never happen" Why am I fighting with him about this "Just forget me and move on"

"Wish it was that easy"

"It can be. Bye"  No, I need him to come over. I need to get this over with

"Wait.... Adrianna is moving in and you have some things here. Can you just come over and get it out I can't stand to see it anymore" I lied

"Seth told me he got everything"

"Well apparently he missed a box. Please come and get it. I'll leave you alone after that. I promise"

"Fine. I'll be there in fifteen. Have it at the door for me cause I'm not staying"


I hate that I lied about the reason, but I had to get him here without telling him over text. exactly fifteen minutes later there was a knock at the door

"Its open" I yelled not being able to more a inch

In walked Trent. He looked as bad as I did. You could tell he hasn't shaved in god knows how long. His clothes are wrinkled and he needs a haircut bad.

"Where's my stuff?" He asked not meeting my eyes

Here it goes

"Seth got all of it"

"You lied to me?"

"I had too. I needed to tell you something, but I knew you wasn't gonna come"

"Your right. bye" He turned to leave

"Please hear me out.  After that I will never bother you again"


Here she was standing right in front of me. I couldn't even look her in the eyes. I'm so ashamed of myself. I can hear the heartbreak in her voice. It was hard for her to be around me just as much as it is for me. I half expected her to ask what happen, where we went wrong. If I stayed to long I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off her. I need to let her get out what she needs to say. I owed her that much

"Fine" I said finally looking at her. She looks like she hasn't sleep or ate in days. You can tell She is losing weight. She has black cycles under her puffy eyes telling me that she's been crying. Oh god I did this to her

"I went to the doctors today and found out that I am" She started crying

"That you are what?" I knew something was wrong. What if she's sick. I wouldn't be able to live with my self if I wasn't there for her. Please don't let it be anything serious

"That I'm...." I couldn't take no more. I wrapped her into my arms

"That you are what, Sweetheart?"

What she said next, was the last thing I every expected to hear from her. It froze me to the core

"I'm Pregnant" I was shocked

"Please say something" I couldn't speak. I didn't know what to say to that. I let her go and back up a few steps to get my thoughts in order

"Look, I know you didn't sign up for this. I'm not looking for you to be apart of his or her life. I just thought you should know"

I'm going to be a dad. I cant believe I'm having a baby... with Paisley. She is going to be a wonderful mother

"Trent......" I smiled and wrapped my arms around her pulling her too me. I kiss her lightly on the forehead

Staying away from her isn't an option anymore. I need to tell her the truth. It's gonna crush her. I pulled away from her and took her hand and lead her to the couch

The Room mate (COMPLETE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora