Bonus Chapter Polls [CLOSED]

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I will do a some bonus chapters of you like here are some options:

#1: Natalia tell Tony that she was there when his parents were killed.
#2: The mission in Odessa when the Winter Soldier shoots Natasha.
#3: She tells Steve about her relationship with Bucky and how she blamed him for all the bad thing that happened to James.
#4: A BuckyNat Infinity War reunion
#5: Oneshot with Clint or his kids.
#6: An explanation in her own words as of why she didn't tell Steve about Bucky.
#7: Fluff one shot in 1950's London.
#8: A poem about the irony of Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Then of course, anything that you request that is within reason. I will either accept it or not. It will have to remain canon within the MCU and this book.

Updated (8/25/18)

Each bonus chapter will be published in order of most votes to least. Expect the first one on Friday, August 31. After that, they will be published weekly. *I will only do the first five votes for, so if you see one not in the top five that you want done, vote for it now. The order is listed below:

1st: #4
2nd: #3
3rd: #2
4th: #1
5th: #7
6th: #6
7th: #5

When you vote, I'll reply "counted" to make sure you know.

Anyway. God bless and thanks for sticking with this book 'til the end of the line!

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