nodus tollens

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nodus tollens
The realization that the plot of your life no longer makes sense to you anymore


"James's idea of escape wasn't always my fondest idea. The only thing I though was so important was the prolonged time with him. I never gave two thoughts about why— not serious thoughts. Not until I realized how badly I had been brainwashed."


James came in through the door, still posed as a German Officer. He looked good in the uniform, Natalia had to admit. But he still looked better in his stealth suit.

"Grußoffizier," their rescue target greeted.

He was a short, slender man. Almost snakey. He had greasy black hair and wore an officer's uniform, a bit different from James's. It was of lower pay grade.

"Gibt es etwas, das du brauchst?" Is there something you need?

"Wie läuft Ihre Forschung?" How is your research going? James asked, trying to get as much from him before they reveal their Russian stance.

"Seit meiner Ankunft aus der Sowjetunion habe ich erfolgreich alle Baupläne für ihre fortschrittlichen Technologien und Waffen geliefert," he said, motioning to the computers. "Ihre Informationen sind in diesen Computern. Sie sollten ihre geheimen Waffen finden, um ziemlich interessant zu sein. Zwei Agenten. Sieh es dir an, Offizer."
Since my arrival from the Soviet Union, I have successfully given all the blueprints for their advanced technology and weaponry. Their information is in these computers. You should find their secret weapons to be quite interesting. Two agents. Take a look, Officer.

James took a step towards the German built Russian computer to see his and his Natalia's pictures with their files pulled up next to it.

"Sie sind sehr beeindruckend," they are very impressive, he noted, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Kommt Ihnen das bekannt vor?" Do they seem familiar to you?

The target looked at him in confusion. "Nein Sir."

<They look familiar to me,> he said, taking his hat off and throwing it over to Natalia, signaling her to stand up. She took her hair down and threw off the lab coat, breaking the buttons of the nurse's dress as she pulled it off.

The spy looked from the computer to the James and Natalia. <You-you,> he stuttered, backing into the wall, not knowing how to react.

<Did you really think yo were going to be able to fool Russia for this long?> asked Natalia walking across the room, taking out all the downloaded discs of information.

<So what are you?> asked James. <A German spy or a Russian traitor?>

The target smiled. <Now that wouldn't be any fun, would it? You'd only kill me faster if I told you. Let's see you dance a little first,> he said as he pressed a red button on the wall.

A shrill alarm began to ring throughout the prison. The sound would have hurt a normal person's ear, but the two fighters went through training they would rather not remember that would make them more immune to such a retched noise. James cursed under his breath as he looked around for any ideas.

<Longing,> the man said, looking at the computer system. James raised his eyebrows as he looked over to Natalia. She shrugged. <Longing what?> she asked, pushing him against the wall. He only smiled.

<Rusted!> he called.

Natalia smiled and looked from the spy to James. <He's mad.>

James shrugged his shoulders, a bit weirded out. <Seventeen,> the spy called out.

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