
665 31 21

the state of being stupefied


"can you remember who you were?"


When she got off the plane, she made sure to follow James wherever he went, staying as far away as possible until she could find the right moment to approach him. It would definitely not be in a densely populated area such as the ones they were surrounded by, of course. She needed to get to him before he got back to Siberia. She knew that was where he was going as soon as he passed the annex in Moscow where she used to receive orders.

If she didn't intercept the Winter Soldier before he boarded a jet to Siberia, then the mission would multiply in difficulty and it would prove even more unlikely that she would ever happen to succeed.

Natalia stalked her the Winter Soldier carefully and he silently and invisibly made his way to the outskirts of the city by trailing rooftops and traveling in the shadows. The new setting that they found themselves in was a ghostly, poverty stricken area that was mostly abandoned.

Black and white sale  papers and red and gold propoganda pages flew around in the chilling, snowy wind as the old paint peeled from the old stores that contained old goods sold by old men. Old goods that probably would never be bought due to the declining, communist economy. The gray, snow colored neighborhoods were as empty and silent as a graveyard besides the few stowed away orphans and elder couples who were destined to die in the this solemn place.

But the city. The store. This was it. This should be where James boarded the Hydra jet to Siberia. This was also where Natalia can take him down. She watched through her snow caked windshield (besides where her wipers had discarded the white mess) as James stepped out of the car he was driving and walking into a small family store, now in full gear. This obviously had to be a safe place to be seen, or there was no way the Winter Soldier would let himself be seen.

This must be a base or a safe house of some sort. She got out her car quickly and bolted acorss the street to crouch beneath the window, peeking out just enough to peer in. She watched him says a few words in Russian to the store owner.

Then the store owner pulled a knob on his counter that revealed a secret door that was disguised very well behind the counter. The owner gave James a nod and sent him through.

Natalia quickly shed her our clothing to reveal her old hydra uniform that she still wore on mission. Maybe the man had outdated information as to who he should let in. Or maybe he didn't care about who he let in. As long as they had the official Hydra sigil on their arm. She also had a red star to signify the Russian flag.

Even if the man was well informed, it wouldn't matter. If he didn't let her in with ease, she'd do it with force. She didn't care how ugly it got as long as she was leaving with the serum in one hand and James in the other. And if she had to follow him to Siberia, then so be it.

She straightened her back and held her head high as she would have when she was under the jurisdiction of Russia and Hydra and entered the store with the flawless grace that was her strut.

The store owner looked her up and down, noticing her marks, along with everything she was hoping he didn't notice.

<Your uniform's a bit outdated, eh, dear?> he asked, placing his elbows on the counter and leaning forward, peering into Natalia's eyes.

<I am here with the asset. I've been lost for some years, and he has had the kindness to find me and bring me back to my rightful home,> Natalia told him, hoping it would suffice. The "store owner" peered into Natalia's eyes suspiciously.

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