38. Change of plans

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Trisha: Sorry diiiiii

Dipti: ahhh its okay, honestly, I was mad, so so mad, but then I realised it wasn't about me, so I hope u forgive me???

T: of course diiiiiiiiiiiii, no hard feelings, I was really thinking of myself and no one else.

D: and it was the right thing to do

N: okay now tellllll

T: yeah well umm,, got a job offer and its pretty good no actually good dii  it's Yoongi's company.

I mean BTS'

I went through the email and the detailed contract it's been like 2 days I ve been reading it thoroughly.

Even showed dad and asked him to review it.

N: oof!! Not you getting the best lawyer on to it!!

T: he said there wasn't anything fishy so I cancelled the luggage shipments ,,, ummm  can you guys see to it if they get delivered to my apartment?? I'll need to talk to the landlord if it's still up for grabs.

D: Trisha, OH MY GODDD. oh my god, I can't believe this I am just so happy!! Oh my god cannot wait to have you back here!!! and don't worry about the apartment you can live with me as long as you want!!!!!!

T: diiiiiiiii

N: no reallllyyyy!! It's the best news ahhh! And if u get bored of Dipti dii, you're always welcome to live at mine hehe

D: wow nami

T: hahahha okayyyyy . Guess I can take advantage of my friends

N: oh puh lease Trisha what are u saying

D: you need to stop this overthinking Trisha seriously.

T: you guyssss, literally love u sm

N: now thats the Trisha i like

D: come back soon love. Cant wait to tell others

N: Ananya is gonna throw a party i swear she will. She went quiet aftr u left.

T: hhhhh seems like I gotta talk it out with a lot of people.


It felt strange to Ruchi how Veda had other plans and she didn't tell her about it.

hhhhhhhhh guess it'll just be Teuhyung me and Jimin, I can't believe I'll have to be the 3rd wheel. 

Ruchi checked her makeup in the mirror for the nth time.

JIMIN calling. . . .

J: there's a little change of plans

R:what is it??

J:apaarentlyyy, Tehyungie got plans with his friends so he's gonna ditch us... 

Ruchi could feel Jimin rolling his eyes hard by the  way he said it.


J:UGh i know righttt? BUT u still up for it right??? I've got food for like 5 people here Ruchi pleasee

R:haha okayyyy not a problem 

J:Also can we shift it to my place?? it'll be a pain to take it all upto terrace 

this is gonna look so weird. Matching outfits, at his place. oh god

R:oh okayyy let's just have funn hhhhhhhhhh atleast Hoseok is coming right???

J: girl I- he's out for the day... BUT u know whattttttttttttt im gonna take a WILD guess and say he's just there with Ananya noona


J:wild i said but whateves

R: hahahah okayyy

J: see u then

R; yupppp bye bye

Ruchi decided to put a red oversized tee and some casual jeans. Dress wasn't just doing it anymore.


Ami: Next update will be up soon.

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