32. Brother

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Seokjin was trying., . . his best to concentrate elsewhere , but his mind just won't leave alone the thought of slightly developing a liking for Dipti. It was so new for him and it made him unable to look into her eyes , let alone talk to her. And Dipti sitting near him was definitely not helping. It was nothing out of line , they liked each other's company so usually ended up being together but he could not shake off the feeling. 

"Hey .. you okay?" Dipti asked him when Taehyung was trying to act out "the mummy" with  much fervour

"ye-yeahh. .I am" He could not look at her , feeling his temperature rise all of a sudden , he found himself incapable of even a polite smile. 

Of course Dipti found it weird. he was like the .... guy with most respectful  manners and this was so unusual.

"u sure?? I mean you look a  bit unsettled , ,is everything  okay?" She kept her voice low , fearing he might get embarrassed  if  it was something he wanted to  keep to himself.

"I AM.. okay , Dipti,, really" the guy who was addressed closed his eyes and took a long gush of air in.  

Dipti was taken aback.

she could not believe what she just saw , why was he so mad?? what had she even done?? was it about the question Jungkook had asked earlier.

'No he won't give it a second thought ,, he's not like that-'

Then she slowly realized . It was painful but she told herself that , people do have sides we don't  necessarily  understand , But she couldn't  bring herself to smile or even just act normal. It pained her to sit next to him , feeling each and every passing second that he doesn't want to talk to her.

Everyone went quiet when she suddenly got up and awkwardly  tried to explain that she needed to go. And Dipti was never awkward.

"what happened Noona?" Jungkook rushed to her side, it worried him why she was leaving like that, his eyes darting to Seokjin,  wondering why wasn't  HE asking her to stay.

"noo, Jungkook it's nothing reall..I- I just need to get some rest ,, that-that's all" She said . And Jungkook could see it on her face. 

She looked so sad.

Jungkook didn't leave when the girls started coming towards her, he kept holding her hand. 

"noo , you guys stay,, I'll be fine. . , I m just tired that's all,," she said with utmost sincerity, she looked at Ananya and nodded , that was their cue that she needed time alone.

Everyone said their good nights to her but Jungkook still insisted on going with her.

"you didn't  have to," She said to him in the lift.

"Noona I can tell something is wrong, you know you can tell me right???",

He held both her hands and comforted her in his sweetest tone,

" yes- I. ." She breathed in, not realizing tears were rolling down her cheeks.


"Trisha would've explained so much better Namjoon really! I swear I'm not good at this" Namita was struggling a bit. The song Meera had recommended was poetry and she clearly was a woman of science , who did love poetry but translating it into another language with its essence was no easy task. And knowing a thing or two about THE Kim Namjoon , she was nervous.

"mmm , I think you're doing great , come on now  I NEED to know allll the details , like the context and backdrop , I already love the melody,, and the beginning oh my god??? I--"

Namita giggled "Save it for Meera pleasee,, She'd be so pleased if I told her you were reacting like this".

"Oh don't you worry , I'm  gonna write her a letter about it , trust me this is different but it's  good music, really , I HAVE to show it to Yoongi hyung tooo" Namjoon announced excitedly and Namita smiled.

'guys still write letters., ,thats sweet?'

"What?? I'm not joking ,, I WILL write to her " Namjoon emphasized , smiling wide.

"ayee no, it's not like that I don't believe you , I mean it's just. . . .sweet lol" She looked away, it was so weird saying it out loud.

Namjoon wasn't sure if he heard it right but it made him feel warm and fuzzy in his chest.

"you like it?' He titled his head to look at her." I mean not like THAT just asking in general" He explained himself quickly on realizing the scope of misunderstanding in that question

"I do... its poetic" Namita still couldn't meet his eyes.  She was a sucker for little things like these but she was nervous about this man Kim Namjoon , she couldn't  read him and it scared her , scared her to harbor any kind of feelings for him. 

"well that , it is " Namjoon looked away too , not stretching it further .

Amrita-HEY YOU GUYS! hope you liked this update. Have a great day!! and of course like  I always say I loveeee comments I love yall's little analysis and noticing little details and everything I'll try to update more often.

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