Chapter 27 - Skin

Start from the beginning

"Did you see what was dragging him?" Namjoon questioned.

"Uh.... he was tall. I didn't get a good look at him okay! I just focused on Jungkook...." Y/N trailed off.

"Damn.... I'm sorry for interrogating you. We need all the information we can get but enough about that, let's keep going."

Everyone agreed and began to move out. Namjoon followed closely behind Y/N and without a moments notice, he activated his stun knife and struck Y/N's back. Y/N shrieked and all the boys turned around to look at what they thought was a deranged Namjoon or maybe an imposter.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Seokjin yelled, grabbing Namjoon's shoulder.

Namjoon quickly shook Seokjin's hand off his shoulder and showed him his own hand. "Look! My hand is wet with water, yet when I touched her arm, she didn't transform! You all saw that! She's not Y/N!"

The boys turned their head to Y/N who had her back hunched, arms hanging and hair flowing over her face. She began twitching and laughing in Yoongi's voice. From across the corridor, the sound of bones cracking could be heard. Y/N's face rose to at least 7 feet tall, followed by everything else.

In a compilation of voices, dominated by Y/N's voice, the creature spoke. "Namjoon, you're too smart for your own good. One of you will die now."

Chills ran up everyone's spines as the creature charged towards Jimin. Taehyung quickly fumbled through his vest's utility pockets and tossed a couple of smoke pellets on the ground. Jimin immediately took this chance to make a run for it, pulling on Hoseok's shirt. Taehyung and the rest quickly followed to make their escape.

The creature let out a very loud shriek mixed with laughter. As the boys ran, the shrieks continued combined with scratching on the walls. Hoseok slammed on the elevator doors and quickly pressed on the call button several times. The doors miraculously opened, letting the boys in.

"Press the parking lot button!" Seokjin whispered loudly.

The doors soon closed, not before the shrieks grew louder and louder.

"What are we going to find in the parking lot? The whole building is closed off, no?" Namjoon asked, panting.

"There's a secret entrance somewhere in the parking lot that will lead us outside." Seokjin replied.

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "And how do you know that?"

Seokjin flipped his imaginary long hair. "Wait, didn't I tell you guys? I told you guys several times, I'm the owner of this building."

"WHAT?!" Everyone said in unison.

"I thought you were just joking around!!" Hoseok exclaimed.


The sound marked the end of the elevator ride which provided some sort of safety for the boys. The boys rushed into the parking lot following Seokjin. As they followed, everyone stopped.

"No, this can't be!! How is this possible?!" Hoseok shrieked.

"Well, I guess the only one who was paying attention to Seokjin was Jungkook." The skinwalker said as it tossed Jungkook's unconscious body towards the boys. Jimin immediately rushed over to Jungkook to make sure he was okay.

"What do you want from us?! If my knowledge is correct, you're a skinwalker so that means you also have something to do with Yoongi's strange behavior! And seeing that you can imitate Y/N, what did you do with her?!" Namjoon bravely demanded for answers as he pointed at the creature.

The skinwalker paced around side to side, laughing maniacally. "Y/N? I did nothing to her. I'm actually grateful to her. She's the one who freed me. As for Yoongi, don't worry about him. He's my snack for later. Let's call it automatic delivery. And as for you, I just want to have new skin to wear and limbs to detach."

Namjoon angrily punched the hood of the car to his left, activating the alarm which resonated through the whole parking structure. Jimin searched for his smoke pellets and tossed them.

"That trick won't work on me this time, little boy!" The creature's massive hand reached through the smoke and grabbed Jimin by the shoulder.

As the grip on Jimin's shoulder tightened, the creature moaned in pain. "Maybe that won't, but this will!" Jungkook said as he used Jimin's stun knife to pierce the creature's side.

Jimin quickly freed himself from the grip. Jungkook activated the stun knife, immobilizing the creature in place. Taehyung and Jimin quickly grabbed onto Jungkook and dragged him towards Jin.

"Over here guys!" Seokjin ushered the boys towards the secret entrance.

The secret entrance was a narrow, short hallway, around less than 6 feet tall and enough to fit only one person at a time. The boys hurried and in no time they reached the end of the hallway and climbed up a ladder. Exiting through a hatch near a playground, each of the boys climbed out, wet dirt and heavy rain enveloping them.

"Come on guys! Let's get the hell out of here!" Seokjin said as he helped each member climb out of the hatch.

And then from deep in the narrow hallway, everyone heard Y/N's voice rambling random stuff as if practicing a script.

"Run!!" Hoseok yelled.

Everyone sprinted towards the nearby road. A few seconds into the sprint, Jungkook stumbled and fell. The creature was already hovering over him, ready to strike. In a quick, violent flash, a cane spun, bouncing off the creature and knocking it down. The cane then dug itself into the dirt and a lightning bolt struck it.

"You're pretty cocky for a skinwalker, but that ends today." Dami said as she pointed her cane at the skinwalker.

"You're not running from us this time." I said as I moved from behind Dami.

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