Chapter 40

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I can't believe I've reached chapter 40, and there's many many many more yet to come!

This morning i woke up to my alarm going off and for the first time in awhile I didn't dread getting up

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This morning i woke up to my alarm going off and for the first time in awhile I didn't dread getting up. Cole had something to do involving his mother so he left awhile ago meaning i have a day to myself. When i got out of bed this morning i stood in front of my bedroom window and admired the light snowfall coming down. There is something almost magical about the first snow.

First thing i did was sell my car and stored the money away in savings. At least i know i have a way to pay for college if i don't get scholarships to cover most of it. Honestly I don't even know what i want to do. I probably should figure it out quick being as I graduate in about 5 months. Time really does fly by when you aren't miserable everyday.

The rest of the day i plan to finish all the painting in my house and pick out new appliances and kitchen things. This week electricians came and put in all the new light fixtures. I could barely wait to see the finished product.

When i pulled up to the house at 10am I barely recognized it. The siding went from a dull chipped blue to a beautiful beige with a maroon door. The house looked 20 years younger and i was more than pleased. Maybe ill have to plant a few plants and spruce up what little there is of a front yard.

First thing i did was remove all the tape from the living room walls and tape off the rest of the rooms. For the kitchen and entryway i decided to do a light tan color. As much as I wanted more color variation, i wanted the area to feel warm but yet full of light. Decorations would give the room more color anyways. Feels strange to be thinking about a house at this age when most people don't do this till their mid 20s. Unlike most people I didn't have what I considered a home growing up, I simply had a roof over my head and food. At the time thats all i needed but now i crave a proper home more than ever.

The bathroom i decided on a warm olive color, everything couldn't be tan. For my bedroom i chose a dark version of a pastel purple, if that even makes sense. On the wall behind the bed ill have a white tree branch decal starting at the top left corner crawling across the wall. The floors are all a dark hardwood throughout the house so white accents brightens the room significantly. Moments like this i wish i had a magic wand to have everything done at once. At the end of all my work I'll appreciate it more.

As i painted i thought about last night and how to handle things from here on. Nights like last night cant be a recurring event. If I allowed that to happen i would fall for him the way he fell for me. Even though i know how wonderful that would feel, I can't forget about the past. Yes i should move on and remove myself from Cole's life but i need to find some closure and i feel like just moving away wouldn't give me that.

Its time for the other McKenzie to make an appearance again. Awhile ago i bought a track phone just for this purpose. I finished painting the kitchen and hallway and decided to find something to eat. There's a cute little bakery in town i used to visit and they have the best muffins and pastries. Crescents and donuts are my weakness in life.  The devil could  show up at my door with pastries in exchange for my soul and id probably sell it for them.

Sitting down i munched on my crescent and sipped on my apple cider. Pulling out my track phone, i texted Cole.

'You looked great in your tux last night while you danced with her. Remember I'm always watching.'

Shockingly it didn't take him long to respond. If only i could have seen his face when he read the text. Im sure fear ran through his veins and than a wave of anger.

'Who is this? How'd you get my number?'

'I told you I'd see you around, not that you'd see me. Wish we could have danced again.'

'I said i was sorry, leave me alone or you'll regret it.'

Now i know he's scared because he's resorting to empty threats. For now I'll let him think he's scared me off by not responding. I turned the phone off and placed it in my pocket. Now i better act like a normal girlfriend and act concerned since I haven't heard from him since this morning. Honestly i could care less what he's doing but it'd be weird if i never texted or called him first, especially after last night.

Cole sounded pretty distant when i was on the phone with him but I pretended not to notice. Guess he has some sort of annual picnic with his moms company once a year. He said he'd call me when he was on his way back.

The rest of the day i continued painting and doing yard work at the house.

It's been awhile since Kenzie has asked me to do digging on her parents and it strikes me weird. Before she was obsessed with knowing about them and now its like she doesn't care. Something must have happened and it worries me she hasn't said anything. Its unlike her, especially when she tells me everything.

So I've now taken digging into my own hands. I know her parents appear to live a perfect life as a lawyer and a florist with their perfect daughter but something doesn't add up. It feels like theres a big piece of the puzzle missing. These people have a bigger income than they should and with lots of digging i found they have offshore bank accounts with money flowing in from a lot of places. That strikes me really strange given their spotless records.

No matter what it takes i plan to figure out what their big secret is.  Now i just don't know whether or not to tell Kenzie what I've found. I don't want to upset her and i also want to respect her choices if shes chose to come to terms with her past without seeking answers. Hopefully this isn't one of those times where ignorance is a bliss and theres a simple explanation for her parents shady activity.

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