Chapter 35

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Tomorrow would be my first day back to school since being suspended. The only time I've had time alone since than was while Cole was at school. Ive accepted that we are apparently a thing now but i really need time away from his constant presence. There's only so much pretending a  girl on a revenge mission can take.

Ive spent most of my days trying to figure out who owns the house i used to live in. Apparently my parents don't own it which is oddly weird. Took nearly all week, but i finally found the person who owned it.

The other side of town is where the man lives, and of course he lives in one of the richest, gated off communities. Figured id pay him a visit and see what he wanted for the house. What could a man that rich need with a house that's borderline falling apart.

I left my hair down in soft waves and put on mascara and lip gloss. Showing up at his house looking like a was ready to wage war wasn't my intention. My outfit consists of a pair of black skinny jeans, a dark purple, flowy tank top and a pair of black flats. Simple but not over the top.

I parked my truck in his driveway and admired the house. It was a large colonial style mansion with a round about drive way with a fountain in the center. Pushing the door bell i patiently waited for someone to answer. In all honesty i wasn't sure what to expect out of this meeting, especially since I wasn't expected.

The door opened to reveal a man well into his sixties with dark hair and an olive complexion. His face was serious like he'd had a life of no smiling allowed. He must have been only 5'11 and looked the an old mobster with fingers full of gold rings. His stance was definitely intimidating. Once his eyes finally landed on me after surveying the area around me, a strange look crossed his face and I couldn't read it. Once again he scanned the area outside and quickly waved me inside.

Cautiously i stepped inside not sure what was going on. I felt like there was something huge i was missing. My heart started racing like something bad was about to happen. As he closed the door my body went rigid and all of my senses went on over drive.

"Calm down love, does anyone know you are here? Did you tell anyone you were coming here?" Came his rough voice with a thick Italian accent. He sounded calm but there was a nervous edge to his voice.

"No, no one knows. Whats going on?" My voice came out more panicked than i wanted it to.

"If no one knows that you are fine, come sit and tell me why you are here." He gestured to the sitting room to my right for me to sit. I didn't want to turn my back to him and he seemed to understand that so he sat down first.

"I knew one day you end up on my door step for one reason or another. So tell me, what can i do for you McKenzie?"

I took a step back from the chair i was about to sit in. "How do you know me?"

He gave me a sad smile. "Wish i could answer your questions, but that would put us both in danger. One day you will understand."  My head was spinning with a millions questions to say the least. After standing there for a minute i allowed my self to sit down. It took me a minute to find my voice.

"Why would i ever be in danger?" I was completely puzzled. Why would anyone ever want to hurt me? Ive never done anything to anyone or done anything wrong.

"Love, you shouldn't ask those kind of questions. Just remember to never draw attention to yourself more than need be. Ive always kept an eye on you and I'm sorry for how you grew up. No child deserves that."

Anger flashed through my body. "I'll add you to the list of people who knew i was suffering at did nothing."

"I wish i could have helped but it would have been a death sentence for both of us. I can never be sorry enough for it but if there's anything i can do to help you, id be more than happy."

"Well since you can't answer my questions." I paused to give him an unhappy look. "Ill get to the reason i came here. The house i grew up in, would you be willing to sell it to me?"

"Out off all the reasons you show up on my door step, I didn't expect that." He rested his chin on his fist as if deep in thought. I just realized i never got his name.

"I seen that recently you changed your last name, which is highly beneficial for you for a number of reasons. None of which you intended for. I can't sell you the house being as it'll draw to much attention, but I'm a man of my word." He paused to think over his next words. Not once since i came in the door has he taken his dark eyes off of me. "Again I cant sell the house but the house is yours to do what ever you please with, ill even pay for the necessary fixed to be made. You can tear it down if it pleases you and ill pay for a new house to be built."

"... sir?"

"Its Giovanni love." He chuckled.

"Giovanni, i just met you, and that's way to much. Thank you for your time, but i must be going." As i stood up he spoke up.

"I insist, its the least i can do for you McKenzie after everything you've been through. Im sorry I can't answer your questions, but one day ill be able to i hope. You're always welcome here if you need somewhere to go. No one can know about our interactions though. Im glad that I've gotten to see you again grown up after all these years. I'll have people at the house tomorrow morning to fix the roof and siding." His eyes were flowing with more emotions than i can count and if I didn't get out of here soon, i was going to have an anxiety attack. I wasn't expecting anything like this and it's to much to take in at once.

"Alright, thank you for your time Giovanni. Im sure you will hear from me again. I'll take your advice on laying low." I showed my self the door and left without looking back. The drive home felt like it took an hour instead of 15 minutes. My mind was spinning and i couldn't decide if i wanted to cry or punch something. Now all i have is more questions and another person who knew how rough growing up was for me and they did nothing about it. Most importantly why would my life ever be in danger? I couldn't even come up with a worst scenario.

When i walked in the door i decided to go for a run to get rid of some of my anxiety and stress. As much as i needed answers and i didn't know anything about Giovanni, I wasn't stupid enough to go against his advice of laying low. For the most part, thats what i was doing anyways. Changing my name appears to have benefited me in more ways than i thought. 

All i know is my parents have something to do with this and its clear that now I can't ask them for fear of my own life. Maybe i could do some digging without drawing attention to my self. Any information is better than none at this point.

I must have ran on the treadmill for over an hour before my body couldn't take any more. Pushing the stop button, i jumped off the treadmill and headed to the shower. Maybe now with a clearer mind, i can get something more productive done before Cole shows up to see if i have all my homework done. He's been texting me all morning, but I've been short with him. I'll have to come up with some sort of excuse.

After showering i changed into an old pair of ripped jeans and Jordan's hoodie. Might as well start shopping for my new house. As nice as this apartment is, its not how i want to live. Expensive and fancy things are nice but I'm ok with simple.

Somewhere along the lines of finding my family I've discovered new things about who i am, but I've managed to lose pieces of who i really am. The house i grew up in has many bad memories but it doesn't have to stay that way. I want to start making a life for my self with good memories. Sure i have things i have to accomplish first, but at least I'll have a small and quaint home in the end.

Figured id start with new paint for the walls. The outside of the house is rough but the inside with only me ever living there, was in great shape. With picking out paint colors in mind, i drove to the local hardware store.

Weren't expecting that, were ya? Let me know what you think. Sorry for taking so long to update. Been super busy but ill get back on track!

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