He's The Definiton Of Bad

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(Aka soon to be Kyle) point of view:

  "Jake!" I shout from my office waiting for my second in command to come in at any moment.

Damn he's slow. I slightly chuckle at how slow my best friend is. Suddenly the door opens and I chuckle once more.

"What's so funny?" He asks with a confused look plastered onto his face. Clueless.

"Nothing. Did you get rid of the shipment and the bodies?" I ask furrowing my brows together.

"Yeah, I got Thalia to take care of the shipment and I took care of the bodies." He states while looking bored. Thalia is his sister and is the driver of my inner gang, and damn is she good at it.

"Good. If Strylar thinks for a second that their gang is safe and sound, they're mad wrong." I grin evilly. I used to be on the top. I used to be the highest ranked gang leader in the world, but that was until one of my men killed her sister, after that she became vengeful and made a come back. I didn't want them to hurt her sister though... it was all an accident.

"Dev, you good?" He questions with concern in his eyes. I day dream a lot.


"Boss!" One of my outer gang members comes rushing in and interrupting me. Jake and I both turn to face him.

Does he have no respect!? Knock!

"What!" I growl. He looks scared but I could care less. Jake is just eyeing him confusedly.

The guy looks into my eyes and says "It's The Leads gang." He looks at me timidly.

"What about them?" I scoff.

"I heard that Strylar is going back to high school to finish her last year." He says grinning, but why is he grinning? Weird...

"Ok and?" I really don't understand what he's trying to say.

Why should I care... oh my god!

I smirk as a plan comes to mind.

"I want everyone, and I mean everyone in the living area in ten minutes!" I bark.

The guy—Terry I think, jumps at my sudden outburst but quickly scurries off when he composes himself.

The Meeting @9:04pm:

Ten minutes later all of my gang members are in the living room, some standing, some sitting on the sofas and others leaning against the walls. They are all facing me, waiting for me to talk.

I stare out at all seventy two gang members of mine and begin talking.

"The Leads gang have a weak spot right now. They think we are weak! We don't let people push us around!" I shout, which everyone else returns as if they are all saying yes.

"Strylar Leads is headed back to high school tomorrow with her inner gang tagging along. We have an advantage, her inner gang only consists of 7 people and mine is 9, if we go to school as well, we can easily overpower Strylar and her inner circle! But, I will need all of my men to come. The treaty ball is in a months time and we would have had to leave in two weeks anyways. We are going back to the top and eliminating The Leads! Be packed by 11pm! We leave at 12am!" I proudly announce before hopping off the coffee table.

Watch out Strylar baby, because you won't see it coming.

Its currently 12:07am my inner gang and I are on my private jet on our way too the next state over, Florida.

This should be fun.


I know I already updated today but I couldn't help but put another short chapter just for fun.

My work is currently unedited but I edit before I upload the next chapter;)

Please vote! It means so much and honestly makes my day!

Sorry it was boring but I just wanted to get the boring parts out of the way so we can get juicy;)))

Different Gangs, Same Love (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now