one condition || jenlisa

Comenzar desde el principio


Imagination, life is your creation!


When Jennie is twelve she gets a rather startling image of a paper mache volcano exploding everywhere inside a garage.

Her soulmate's reaction is one of instant and blinding panic. There's a whole barrage of rapid-fire Thai that Jennie doesn't understand but the message is pretty clear.

Then she starts with the panicking in english: oh no, I am so dead, mom is literally going to kill me.

Jennie winces in sympathy. She can imagine just what kind of trouble her soul mate is going to get into.


The first sort of normal thought that Jennie hears from her soulmate goes: wow, the parks crew really did a nice job with this flower bed.

Jennie is pleasantly surprised for a moment, until the next thought comes in.

I wonder if I can jump it.

Honestly, Jennie isn't even sure why she's surprised anymore.


Jennie learns her soulmate's name one time when her soulmate is talking to herself like she always does. This time it sounds like she's trying to psych herself up for a test, as she keeps telling herself you got this Lisa, you studied all night, you're gonna do great.

Jennie thinks over the name Lisa for a few moments, and it brings a smile to her lips, because she can finally put a name to the voice that's been in her thoughts for years. She sends a quick thought to Lisa, wishing her luck, telling her that she's gonna do great.

Jennie hopes it reaches her.


I wonder what my soulmate's up to right now?

Jennie wishes that she can talk to Lisa, in real life, so they can end this awful one-way communication. Jennie wishes that she doesn't have to try her best to send her soulmate thoughts and hope they are received, even though she knows in all likelihood that they aren't. She wishes that she had met her soulmate as a kid like some people do, so she doesn't have to feel so damn alone all the time.


Jennie finds herself googling the latest song that Lisa's been singing sometimes. Not because they're good songs, because they pretty much never are, but because Jennie somehow feels closer to Lisa when she's listening to the same song.

Maybe it's dumb, but Jennie doesn't really care. Even though her soulmate has been making her listen to way more Hannah Montana than she would ever care to admit.

Jisoo walks in one time to see Jennie listening to The Best of Both Worlds and she gives Jennie a concerned look for a moment as if she's worried that it's Jennie listening to this because that's the sort of music she's into now. But Jisoo knows her better than that.


Jennie sighs. "Soulmate."


Shit, what if my soulmate doesn't like Disney? What would we even do in our free time then?

Jennie rolls her eyes but he can't help but smile. She loves Disney.


Of course, Jisoo's soulmate would actually be a normal one. She and Jennie are sitting playing cards and suddenly Jisoo's spine straightens and she seems to listen intently to something. Then, a slight smile graces her lips.

"What'd she say?"

"She was just thinking about the flowers from the place she's from. I saw a quick image of them. They were lovely."

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