ditch day || chaelisa

Start from the beginning

Chae laughed when Lisa's character fell on another set of spiky vines and died. Lisa sighed and set her controller down on a pillow in front of her and stood up with a groan. Grabbing both hers and Chae's now empty coffee cups, she made it to the kitchen to refill them.

She poured both cups of coffee and was back in the gaming zone in no time. But after Lisa kept dying, she got fed up with it and claimed that she hated this game and didn't want to play it any more. "Oh cmon Lisa it's not that bad, Fortnite is a great game and you don't hate it." Chae cast a look over at Lisa that Lisa herself didn't quite understand. Chae was a very confusing person. "You play, I'll watch..?" Lisa blushed a little. Chae's smile seemed to light a room and this room was already lit. Chae went into the settings really quick and kicked Lisa out of the game deciding that yeah, she'll play for a little while and Lisa can watch. And damn did Lisa watch. Not the game though. Mostly Chae's facial expressions and the skill of taking her hand completely off the controller to take a drink of coffee without breaking eye contact with the screen. Every so often Chae would glance over at Lisa who would successively blush and look away, look at the screen or even down at her phone screen. At that point it was look anywhere but at Chae.

The two girls played video games for a little while, switching back and forth between PS4 games and Xbox games. Once the whole pot of coffee was gone, Chae got a little antsy. She wanted to go outside. She needed to go outside. Her life depended on going outside and soaking up as much of the rainy day as she could. Lisa however was hesitant. She didn't really enjoy the idea of purposefully sitting outside in the rain and the cold. But with Chae's cute little pleading smile, Lisa just couldn't say no. So she didn't, and she ended up sitting outside right next to Chae in the pouring rain. After a small amount of silence, Chae started talking. Not babbling and for once not being annoying, just talking. Talking to Lisa like Chae talked to any of her friends. Talking like Lisa was one of the best pals she'd had, but Lisa knew that was a lie because Jisoo had already filled that spot. "So, have you ever just wondered if there are different worlds out there somewhere?" Lisa knew she quoted a video game but let it slide because Chae wasn't joking or making a pun, she was being serious. Lisa turned and gave her a soft look cocking her head to the side slightly. Chae kept talking. Not really wanting a reply. Just throwing her thoughts out there. "I mean, what if there are, and there are other worlds that need help and we're just stuck here doing nothing because we're too stupid to get a ship to go far enough out to be able to find them. And what if other civilizations out there are so much more advanced and they've found us but realized that because we're so stupid we don't prove to be a threat and that's why we haven't had an alien invasion." The look Lisa gave him could be described as incredulous, disbelieving, slightly terrified. Lisa always thought she was the conspiracy theorist of the whole group, y'know aliens an whatnot. But the words that Chae spoke begged to differ. Chae kept talking. She explained to Lisa the quantum theory for folding space time to be able to create a hidden pocket out there in the vastness. She also talked about what was Lisa's favorite: wormhole theory. About how a wormhole in the simplest of terms is just twisting space time and hooking both ends back together. So that when you start on one side you end up on the other. Lisa admired the way Chae talked so openly, how her flourished gestures accentuate her words and how her eyes could tell you how passionate she was about the topic. Chae and Lisa sat outside and talked for what was probably an hour until the rain had soaked through to their skin. Lisa sneezed and that was when Chae got up, she grabbed Keith's arm and dragged her inside. "Cmon no more sitting outside, or you'll get sick. And sick Lisa is mean Lisa and Rosie no likey mean Lisa. No señor, no me gusta Lisa malo." Lisa couldn't help but laugh. Chae was so open and she spoke so warmly. And Lisa couldn't help but fold her arms around Chae. After she shed off her wet coat of course. And Chae was damn warm too. Chae's reaction wasn't what Lisa expected. Honestly she expected the typical rival Chae to push her off and declare that there was some sort of challenge and that Lisa was trying to infiltrate the mainframe or something. But Chae simply startled a bit with a step back and stood there for a moment taking a deep breath out of confusion before gently hugging Lisa back. Lisa's body was colder than she expected. She pulled Lisa closer and rested her chin on top of Lisa's head. Lisa gently nuzzled Chae's neck, brushing her nose against her smooth skin. Chae giggled like a little girl and pulled away slightly. She blushed and her hand came up to pull at her earrings because this was awkward. "Heheh that was uhh.." Chae said just to at least break the silence. "Uh yeah it was..." Lisa replied oh so intelligently. Because hey, they were twenty year old young girls that made stupid awkward decisions with their roommate. After fiddling with her piercings, Chae scratched the back of her neck a little and leaned forward into Lisa's space. And Lisa wished she had somewhere to go that didn't involve actually moving around all the beanbags and pillows scattered about. Because Chae was in her space and Lisa really did not want to make this any more awkward by doing exactly what she'd been wanting to do forever. But at that point it looks like Chae beat her to the punch and abruptly pulled back. Lisa sighed inwardly. She really liked Chae and honestly immediately afterwards wished she'd leaned in and kissed her in that moment. But she hadn't. And the moment was gone.

There was only a little bit of awkward air when the two girls sat down with a Blu-ray Disc of Tangled and a bowl each of popcorn drenched in butter. After the third movie, Chae was getting tired. It was probably around five ish. Lisa got up and put a new movie in saying something about her childhood and how Chae was an uncultured swine because she had no idea what Lisa was talking about. But it didn't really matter anyway because about a quarter of the way through it, Chae had fallen asleep. Her shallow breathing and light snoring gave it away. "Rosie? Hey, Rosie." Chae only stirred a little at Lisa's words and rolled onto her side in the chair so she was now facing Lisa. As if instinct wanted to ruin his life Lisa acted upon it and reached out to push Chae's hair away from her face. Letting her fingers trail slowly down until they rested softly on his cheek. Lisa was about to pull away and just go die when, as if she sensed Lisa's desire to leave, Chae grabbed Lisa's hand and held it there. Her eyes slowly opened and looked up at Lisa who was hovering over her, shocked. She tried to pull away again, babbling apologies and cursing at herself. Repeated "I shouldn't have done that"s and "I'm so sorry"s. Chae knew what Lisa did. She wasn't actually asleep. Lisa had shown affection. And that shit is contagious. But now Lisa was a mess. Her mind going a mile a minute, coming up with words faster than her mouth could speak them. So Chae shut her up. And in the not so special cliche way. He didn't really wish to overstep boundaries especially when Lisa was known to stab first ask questions later. So she just put her hand over Lisa's mouth and stared at her. Watched as her eyes flicked across Chae's face, looking for anger or possibly betrayal. But Chae was giving her a soft look, holding Lisa's hand against her cheek with one hand and the other being used to shut Lisa up.
When Lisa's eyes stopped freaking the fuck out, Chae gave her a small smile and moved her hand off of Lisa's mouth. She pulled her other hand that was still holding onto Lisa's down in front of her face and locked eyes with Lisa as she placed a gentle peck to the back of Lisa's hand. Lisa's face flushed and she shook her head a little. As if trying to wake up from a dream. Chae swore she heard her whisper it too. A small little "wake up Lisa." But luckily for Chae, this wasn't just a good dream or a fantasy. Lisa was really looking at her with those big brown eyes, and Lisa was really leaning in. And Chae was too. They met in the middle, anxious and scared but soft and firm lips met Chae's. Chae pulled Lisa's hand back up and placed it on her neck as Chae did the same. Lisa's face flushed a little darker and a surprised noise escaped her when Chae turned her head to the side. She kissed Lisa tentatively and softly, because she knew that Lisa was weary and afraid. Afraid of ruining something between them unknowing that their feelings were mutual. Chae caressed Lisa's cheek and pulled away slowly.

"Fuck I've wanted to do that for a while" Chae whispered into the cold tense air. Lisa breathed a laugh and looked away until her eyes were pulled back to Chae's as if she couldn't possibly keep her eyes away. "Me too Rosie, me too.." Chae smiled and dragged Lisa's face back to hers and kissed her gently.

The two girls spent the rest of the day similarly to the way they spent the first part, playing video games, watching movies, eating popcorn except this time, they were closer. Mentally, physically. The two sat in the same chair, arms wrapped around each other, small secret smiles on display for only themselves. They spent the evening sharing kisses and blushing. And all because of this weird shut in rainy day.

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