"Hanji, I'm gonna go talk to him."

"Well good luck, you're gonna need it. He's not really..... in the mood for visitors." She added.

I change into one of my comfier white shirts. The only way I can explain it is space battle between a kitten with laser eyes and a unicorn shooting rainbows from its mouth. "Hm nice shirt." Hanji chuckled.

"Yeah yeah yeah, see ya later?"

"I might be asleep but yeah I'll be looking forward to hearing what happens."

"Haha will do." I say and leave.

I stand outside the door to Levi's apartment hesitantly. What if he kicks me out? What if I just make things worse? I should still talk to him though, see how he's doing.

I knock on the door a few times and wait. And wait. And wait. Maybe he didn't hear me so I knock louder. Still nothing. I decide to go in and I'm left in complete shock when I do.

Levi's usual spotless apartment was a mess. Though it was dark, for no lights were on I could still see. Some clothes were laid out across the floor, the throw pillows weren't neat and the flowers on the coffee table wilted. A small clutter to normal people but for Levi, this is completely trashed! I look into the kitchen to see the fridge door wide open. I walk in to close it but the light was reflected off of a small item on the counter which caught my attention. As I walk over to see what it was my heart dropped. A small gold band sat on the counter, surrounded by empty beer bottles. His engagement ring... However looking around again I notice despite the number of beer bottles, there was absolutely no sign of recent meals. Even the trash was empty of food. I take a step back and something slides as I kick it with my foot. A broken glass, one used for scotch was in pieces on the floor. It was a miracle I didn't step on it.

This was worse than I thought. I close the fridge and go to his office. His laptop was off and books were thrown around the room as if he were frantically looking for something specific. That's when I notice it.

In the middle of the floor laid a scrapbook. Blank spaces where pictures used to be on each page as I flipped through. Ripped papers overflowed the small trash can under the desk but I didn't have the heart to look at them. There's only one last place he'd be.

I knock on the bedroom door. "Dammit, Hanji I told you to go away!" I hear a low voice yell from inside.

"It's not Hanji." I call back and hear nothing. I was about to walk away but being the stubborn person I am I slowly open the door. I look around the room but don't see him at first. Finally when I enter the scene becomes clear and the guilt I thought I was over came back.

Levi sat on the floor, leaned against the chestnut dresser. Three large empty bottles of whiskey and scotch laid scattered around him. He held another bottle full of clear liquid in his hand. He wore light grey joggers and a white t-shirt.

I walked over to him slowly. "Levi? D-did you dri-"

"Tch, calm down they were all almost empty already. Got lucky with this one though." He mumbled and brought the full bottle to his lips. He took a gulp from it and a little fell down his chin. He looked up with half-lidded eyes. "You wanna talk about how I'm feeling too?" He quips with an annoyed and sarcastic tone. He was obviously pretty tipsy.

"Honestly? Yeah. But now, I think I'll just sit with you." I say and plop down on his left side, joining him against the dresser. I try to have a bit of space between us but a knob on the bottom drawer forced me to move very close. Our shoulders we're about touching but I had to force those emotions down. Right now I had to make sure he was ok.

More Than a Coincidence (An Ereri/Riren fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now