Chp 17

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"..... Hello Dad."

The entire room was barren, there was only me and my dad staring blankly at each other.

"Sit down son." He says in a creepily upbeat tone.

I acquiesce and shuffle to sit on the front bench next to him. Suddenly I'm pulled into a hug, the most uncomfortable embrace one can imagine. I want to hug back but was unable to move my arms around him.

My dad finally releases me and I take the opportunity to discuss the elephant in the room. "Why did you call me here?" I deadpanned.

My father glanced at the small, barely visible scar on my left cheek, left behind from his strike. "Eren, believe me when I say I'm sorry for hitting you. I never meant to hurt you, I just wasn't thinking straight and it was a mistake. I'm so sorry." 

"I pushed you too. We both made mistakes," I say. Honestly, I'm over it, in the moment, we were both out of control. 

"No, I am your father. My mistake should never have been made in the first place. I am so sorry." He pleads again. I nod my head, acknowledging his apology.

"I asked you to come because I have someone special, who wants to talk with you." He hinted. Suddenly a man emerged from the back room and sat on the other side of me. He wore a black priest robe with its iconic white collar. He clutched a bible in his left hand and had a cross necklace around his neck. 

"W-what's all this?" I ask hesitantly. 

"Son this is Father Nick. He's here to help." He says, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

What?  "What do you mean" I queried. I became more aware of my dad's grip as I began to feel very uncomfortable. 

"He explained to me son, you're sick. It's not your fault, some people aren't strong enough to resist the devil's urges. But with his help, we can rid you of his possession." My dad said these crazy words as if it was normal. What did this guy say to him?

He cannot be serious. 

"I also found a place that helps and I've taken the liberty to sign you up." He continues as he puts a pamphlet in my hands. St. Yelena's Home for Lost Souls ~ Get Back to the Right Path ~ Forgiveness is Possible ~

He's serious. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I cursed. 

"Eren show some respect in the father's presence." He scolded. 

Then Father Nick finally spoke up, his sunken eyes held almost no emotion. "It seems this is a very serious case. Son, you do realize making these decisions, going down this path will bring you straight to hell's doors. Your father cares a lot for you and I've decided to help free you from the devil's grasp. We can help you get better." 

I stand to my feet, I can't hear any more of this. "The hell do you mean "get better"? It's not some disease! Why am I even listening to you?!" 

"Denial is the first sign of the devil's work boy." The man claimed. 

"Dad! I. Am. Gay! It's not a choice! I'm not sick! Or p-possessed by the devil! You can't just pray the gay away!" I yelled as I threw the pamphlet on the floor. Tears began to well up and my body begins to tremble. 

Levi was right! I should have listened to him! "Coming here was a mistake, I-I should go," I say as I stormed off towards the doors. 

"Eren!" My dad calls behind me. 

I fling the doors open, Levi stood against the step railing and his head shot up to the slam of the doors. "Come on, we're leaving!" I say as my voice breaks, being so close to crying. 

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