Chp 15

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"CONGRADUATON!" Hanji screamed.

"Don't you mean congratulations?" I asked.

"No! Get it 'cause you graduated? Hahaha!" She cackled too hard at her lame cliche joke.

"Hanji you're drunk," Erwin stated putting a hand on her shoulder and walking her away to sit down.

We were currently in Erwin and Levi's apartment celebrating. Because it was larger than Hanji's, I was able to invite all my friends. It was super fun so far, watching the newly grads sip on the alcohol provided and the supposedly "responsible adults" get hammered. Even though there weren't more than 10 people here I started to feel a little claustrophobic.

Armin then came up to me holding two drinks, handing me one. It was only filled with soda which I asked him for only minutes prior. "So, Levi has a nice place here." He began, looking around.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Armin asked, immediately sensing my demeanor.

"Nothing, it's just...." I then see Levi enter from the kitchen into the living room. He held a half-drunken bottle of beer as he moved next to Erwin, overlooking Hanji slung on the couch. Butterflies suddenly make my stomach jump at the sight of him now... come on feelings just stop!

I don't notice how long I stared until a pair of fingers snapped in my face, catching my attention. Amin looked at me worried, he glanced at the short man across the room and took a deep breath. "I know you Eren, I see the way you act differently. Ever since you've moved in, you've had this thing about you, like you always had something...or someone on your mind. Listen, I know we all kinda joked about it before, even me. But if you like Lev- "

"What? N-no I don't!" I argued looking away to hide the obvious blush. No! He can't always be right, it's just a silly crush if anything! I'll get over it! Sweat begins to form and my breathing becomes rapid.

Armin opened his mouth to speak again but I quickly beat him to it, "Is it crowded in here? I feel a bit hot, I'm gonna go get some air!" I state, quickly running away and out of the apartment. I start to hyperventilate slightly, I need fresh air but the elevator is too slow so I decide on the roof.

I fling the door open and try to catch my breath and end up bent over with my hands on my knees. This isn't fair! Why does it have to be him!? Why teenage hormones why?!

The cool evening breeze calms me and after a few moments, my breath slows. I stand in the middle of the open area, looking out at the surrounding buildings. The sun was starting to set, sending golden rays through the maze of skyscrapers. The wind slightly drowned out the sounds of the cars and people on the ground below me, I was almost used to it by now. I could hear the sound of a helicopter nearby and see it in the distance over the river. I can see the bridge through the small amount of fog that accumulated in the air. The water sparkled in the dying sunlight reflecting like a giant accumulation of stained glass. For a second it reminded me of the window in the church and once again, I felt impossibly alone in this ginormous, never still city. 

As my mind begins its decent into the usual depression controlled lies I fall for every time, my body decides enough is enough. My eyes glance over to the far side of the roof, landing on a set of lawn chairs. The night with Levi immediately floods my brain, drowning the lonesome thoughts that began to take over. I smile to myself, remembering his advice. However, this doesn't last long for I guess my demons know how to swim. Seriously Eren? You are in this giant city and your dumbass had to go and crush on the one person you know you can't have? How dumb can you be? 

More Than a Coincidence (An Ereri/Riren fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now