Chp 3

116 2 1

After the service ends and people have said their final goodbyes, thank you's, and prayers, the church is soon left empty. Other than my father and I of course.

As the last couple leaves I try to sneak back out the way I came "Eren, get over here, boy" damn so close. I turn back to my father and approach him. "I trusted you to get here yourself and you waltz in seconds before morning prayer?"

"Dad I'm sorry long story with my alarm but I wasn't late! I did keep my promise right?" I pleaded a bit.

"Technically you weren't but...I thought you were more mature than this...." Oh please don't say it. Just be mad!! Don't say it! "...I'm just, disappointed"

I internally scream. "I'm sorry dad"

- - - -

Once back at the house I take my phone out and text Armin.

Eren: Guess who was basically late to church, made a fool out of himself with a squeaky ass door, and once again disappointed his father?

Armin: Hmm I'm gonna go off on a limb and say.....Jean? No what happened?

Eren: It's actually really funny, your g-pa turned it off letting me sleep in. I don't blame him tho but I ended up walking in with seconds to spare but the door squeaked so loud everyone stared right at me.

Armin: Ooh I'm sorry you good? how did the service go?

Eren: ya know the usual morning prayers. A bunch of other preachings of God's plan for us. i didn't really pay attention today.

Armin: Did ur dad start preaching about sins?

Eren: of course he did its what he's known for but i didn't listen at all

"Eren can you put that thing down who are you talking to anyway?" My dad interrogates.

"Yeah, just Armin" I click the power button, but when I set it down on the kitchen table it vibrates showing another text from my overprotective friend.

"Hmph, I think you're spending too much time with him. I think he's a bad influence" he says.

Shocked, I blankly stare, mouth wide open. "U-uhh Armin has been my best friend since grade school! Not to mention he's at the top of our class! He's actually a better influence than any other of my friends"

"*sigh* Eren the only influence in your life should be God, he has plans for you boy. You better follow it." I roll my eyes. Now is not the time to be rebellious Eren. "Eren, God wants you to succeed. Don't waste this life you're given by defying our lord." I cross my arms and look down. A sad feeling pools in my chest and I want to scream.

I stand, "I really am sorry" and start making my way up the stairs to seclude myself in my bedroom. But when I pass the bathroom small tears begin to creep up, I decided to take a hot shower.

I always loved hot showers, I turn them up to concerning high temperatures. My mind wanders as the hot water hits my bare skin. I think about the things my dad preaches every day. God has plans for me huh? Well, I'd love to take control of my own life now thanks.

Tears start building up in my eyes and I slide down the shower wall and sit against the glass. How the hell am I going to convince my dad to change his views? However, after dad's little lecture I just want to scream at the top of my lungs. Tears start falling down my cheeks blending in with the water rolling off my head. The thing I love about showers is that no one can tell you've been crying.

More Than a Coincidence (An Ereri/Riren fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now