Chp 11

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The car sped down the highway and I rested my chin on my fist and stared out the window. Neither one of us spoke but luckily the radio quietly played so it wasn't awkward. Finally, I decided to start a conversation.

"So what kind of car is this?" I ask, looking at the leather interior and the high-tech middle dash.

Levi glances over at me, "It's a Lincoln MKZ, 2016. Why?"

"N-no reason I just thought i-it was nice," I say, epically failing on creating small talk.

Levi then much more successfully starts a conversation, "So I should tell you, your new roommate is kind of a handful."

"Huh? What do you mean? I said.

"Hanji.... she can be...overwhelming at times." He says.

"Well, I think I can handle it. I have some pretty eccentric friends." I gloat.

"Yeah, I'm aware, heh, suit yourself." Levi mocks.

Levi continues to explain Hanji's personality and I get the slight sense she gets under his skin fairly easily. Soon enough we make it to the apartment building. A small parking lot was behind the building for the residents and Levi pulled into a spot. We get out and each grab a couple of bags.

A quick elevator ride and we arrive at the top floor. We stop at the door directly across the hall from Levi's apartment. Levi raises a fist and bangs on the door.

A few seconds later, the door flew open to a grinning woman about my height, she was charming and young, probably around Levi's age. She had dark chocolate hair pulled back into a ponytail with thick bangs that brushed away from her face which screamed excitement and she wore thick rectangular glasses over her big brown eyes.

She gasped when her eyes met my aquamarine ones and squealed, "So you're the famous Eren! Ahh, I'm so excited to meet you cutie!" She pulled me into a suffocating embrace but my hands were full so it was completely one sided. Why does everyone call me cutie?

"We are going to be THE BEST of friends!" Hanji announced while still holding me so tight my air was cut off.

I try to speak, "C-cant b-breathe." However, she didn't hear me over her own excitement.

Luckily I was saved, "Oi, keep hugging him that tight, you won't have a roommate, four-eyes!" Levi scolded. Finally, she let go and oxygen refilled my lungs.

"Woops, sorry 'bout that." She smiled, "Come in!"

Levi and I walk through the doorway and into an open living room. It was cozy and the windows let in warm rays, lighting up the room. Hanji motions us to sit down on the small sofa. "Levi, you know where the bedroom is, can you bring Eren's stuff in there?"

"Tch, fine." Levi clicks his tongue and grabs the bags and retreats into a room off of a small hallway.

I take this opportunity to finally speak. "So, Hanji, why would you ever agree to let a random teenager stay with you for free?"

"Hmm, well Levi told me about you and he seemed really concerned." She started, "Besides I don't need to worry about paying rent and....why not?"

I guess that answers the question.

"So how do you know Levi?" I asked.

She smiles, "We go waayy back. Middle school actually. I sat next to him in class. And it wasn't cliche at all, he hated me for the longest time, but I just kept bugging him and tagging along wherever he went," She hides her mouth with her hand and whispers, "He was kind of a loner."

More Than a Coincidence (An Ereri/Riren fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now