Chp 4

98 4 0

Trigger warning - - - - - -

I open my eyes to a brightly lit room. The sun forced its way through the small crack between the dark blue curtains, blanketing the large window. The gap is perfectly placed causing the rays to blind me, I squint and reluctantly get up. Walking over to the window, I step over some shoes, books, and my backpack cluttering the floor.

I fling open the curtains, drowning the entire room in light. I see the sunrise from behind the trees in the distance. Bright yellows and oranges paint the morning sky. However, I see a deep crimson red fill the horizon. It makes me think of that quote: "Red sky at night, sailor's delight, red sky at morning, sailors take warning."

I know, cliche but it makes me nervous, especially 'cause it's today. I take a deep breath and go to the bathroom. I stand in the shower letting the water hit my shoulders. Slowly I lift my head into the water letting it pour down my face. My birthday dinner is tonight. Well, today isn't actually my birthday, it's in a few days. My dad said today was the only night he had off for the next week. It makes me happy to know he's at least trying. After finishing my shower I head downstairs. Hmm, my dad wasn't in the kitchen, I walk in to see a note on the table.

~ Some work came up at the church I'll be back by 5 pm. make sure you're ready by then -Love dad ~

I look at the clock it's only 10:30 am. I go back up to my room and take out my laptop. I open YouTube to pass the time when I hear my phone go off. A text from Armin, he wants to talk in person come outside?

I look out my window and see Armin sitting on the curb across the street. I throw on my shoes and head out. He stands when I accidentally slam my front door. It wasn't until I get close to him that I saw the tears falling down his face.

"Oh my god, Armin! Are you okay? W-what happened?" I asked worriedly.

After a short silence he finally confesses, "My grandpa, h-he couldn't remember me yesterday when I got home.....he thought I was a r-robber and he attacked me, I h-had to call the police..." my heart sinks when he explains, "...a doctor looked at him last night, h-he has...Alzheimer's."

I pull him into a hug and his sobbing intensifies. I try to console him, "I'm so sorry Armin, I don't know what to say." I feel terrible that I can't make him feel better.

Armin pulls away from the embrace and wipes his tears, "It's okay Eren, all I really needed was a hug. A home nurse is gonna be taking care of him during the day. So at least he can stay home and not at one of those facilities." he sniffled.

I grab his wrist and bring him inside. We sit in my room and we talk for hours. Armin finally gets out of his slump and is smiling once again. I look at the clock and realize how late it is.

"Oh my god! It's 4:30! Armin, I'm so sorry but I gotta get ready for the dinner tonight!" I get off my bed and open my closet. Armin gets up as well.

"That's tonight?! Wait so are you telling him?" I slowly nod my head. "U-um okay...well you better call me immediately when it's done!" Armin orders. Again I nod my head. I stare at my closet, and Armin asks me if I want help choosing something.

After 10 minutes of mixing and matching clothes, we decide on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white dress shirt with a brown sweater over it, Armin then leaves and wishes me luck. I change and stick out the collar of the white shirt over the sweater. I then put on a pair of black boots. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair. I have about 10 minutes before 5 so sit back in my bed and look at the weather. It looks like it's going to be cold tonight so I grab my leather jacket and fish out my grey beanie from the back of my closet.

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