Chp 19

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A couple weeks have passed and everything has gotten much better. Though the scars on my wrist are still very evident, they remind me of the mistake I made so I'll never do it again. Levi and Erwin have been fighting less, however, Erwin has been spending more time at the restaurant. Because of that, I've been spending more time with Levi, sometimes even helping with his work, though we haven't talked about his past since the night in the bathroom.

Today, however, nobody was home. Erwin was at the restaurant, Hanji was downstairs doing building stuff, and Levi was called into the office. I just sat in the living room not paying attention to the show that was playing, when I get a text.

Levi: I need you to do me a favor!

Me: sure what is it?

Levi: I forgot my flash drive. I need you to go over and bring it to the office! Hanji has a spare key hanging up the flash drive should be plugged into the laptop in my office

Me: ok I'll bring it

Levi sent me the address as I was finding the key. It's only a few blocks away so I can just walk. I go to unlock Levi's door and to my surprise, it was open. I think nothing of it and go inside. I take my shoes off because Levi would have a conniption if I tracked any dirt inside and place them next to the two other pairs of shoes at the entrance.

Hmm that's weird, don't they usually put their extra shoes away? Oh well.

I walk into the office but the flash drive was nowhere to be seen. So I message Levi.

Me: hey it's not in the computer

Levi: then I must have left it on the desk in my room it's right next to the door

Me: ok

I go to approach the bedroom door and as I do, I hear strange sounds coming from inside. Did they leave the T.V on too?

I open the door wide and immediately freeze, I couldn't believe my eyes. The gasp I let escape was what caught the attention of the people I was staring at.


Erwin was in bed, laying on top of another man, who was not his fiance. Clothes were thrown around the room, there was no "it's not what it looks like" bull shit in this situation and Erwin knew it too. I could tell by the look of horror on his face, as did the mystery guy. I wasn't able to say anything for my mind raced with a million questions. That's when I notice the small red flash drive on the desk. I quickly grab it, close the door behind me and run out of the apartment.

Was that real? Did that REALLY just happen?!

I get onto the elevator and as the doors were about to close, a large hand stopped it. Erwin barged into the empty elevator and pressed me against the wall. He held my wrists against it and yelled, "What the fuck were you doing in my apartment?!"

That's when I finally got the courage to speak, "I was getting Levi's flash drive for him...What the fuck were you doing in your apartment huh?!"

He remained silent and I kept ringing him out, "Y-you CHEATED on Levi! You were having sex with that guy! H-how could you?!"

"Y-you CANNOT tell him!" He frantically shouts.

"I HAVE TO! Y-YOU'RE A CHEATER! HE LOVES Y-" I argue. However, Erwin wraps one of his large hands around my neck. Though he doesn't squeeze, it got the message across.

"NO HE DOESN'T! YOU LITTLE BASTARD I WILL END YOU! YOU HEAR ME?! NOT ONE WORD!!" His threat honestly scared me and I reluctantly nodded. He lets go just as the elevator rings, signaling it arrived at the ground level.

More Than a Coincidence (An Ereri/Riren fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now