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"Aaron, wake up..."

I felt a hand shake my arm a little.

"Just five more minutes..." I groaned.

"I'll carry you if you don't wake up..."

I ignored whoever that was and shifted to my other side.

"She's probably tired from working." Another voice said.

Then it was silent for a moment before I felt my body being lifted from the seat and into someone's arms. I quickly opened my eyes, to try and stop that person so i don't fall and hurt myself.

"HEY! DO--"

"Don't worry, it's just me.."

It took a moment for my vision to finally clear from sleeping and I saw Connor's face. He smiled softly at me and that's when i realized how close we were.

"C-Connor, please put me down..." I stuttered.

"Hmm... What if I don't want to?" He still had his innocent smile.

I wanted to hit him so bad, but even if I could, I still can't.

"Just please put me down..." I mumbled and tilted my head down.

Finally, he set me down slowly, trying not to hurt me. I moved away from him and stood behind Jordan, playfully glaring at him while he playfully glared back.

I quickly took the blazer off to not get any suspicion from other people. Wouldn't want to grab anyone's attention.

"Alright, you two, let's get going!" Kaycee said excitedly as we walked to the entrance of the mall.

I felt a bit weird going to the mall because it's been a long time since i've actually had the break and time to go shopping for new clothes. I REALLY need new clothes. As we walking in, the warm air hitting out faces.  I looked around getting familiar with everything.

"Wow... This place has really changed since the last time i've been here..." I said in awe.

"Yup! But what's more important is your clothes! We need to get you some new outfits, sweetie." Jordan in a sassy tone.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

"Let's just hope my fashion sense isn't bad..." I chuckled.

I looked over to Connor who was staring at the stores. There were a lot of people so it was pretty busy.

*Squeal* "AARON, I SEE SOMETHING THAT WOULD LOOK GREAT ON YOU!!!~" I felt my arm being tugged and dragged to where Kaycee wanted to go.

Oh boy...

I was being dragged into a store before I felt a grip on my other wrist, stopping Kaycee and me from walking off. I looked back to see Connor staring at me. I tilted my head before he spoke.

"I said I was gonna take you to the food court before anything else." He said.

He was like a child wanting you to keep your promise. I looked back at Kaycee and gave her a small nod. She released my hand. I looked back at Jace and Jordan.

"You guys wanna come with us?" I asked.

"It's alright. We're not hungry yet." Jordan looked at Jace and he nodded.

"Alright we'll catch up with you guys later." I said while looking back while walking.

- - -

We were sitting at a table, Connor sitting in front of me while eating. He payed for my food which I was kinda surprised he has his own account or was allowed to use CyberLife's money? I don't know, but all I know is that it wasn't my money. I opened the lid, and took a bite, smiling at how good it tasted. Connor continued to stare at me before he put his elbow on the table and his chin in his palm and smiled at me. I chuckled.

Just An Android || Detroit: Become Human • Connor •Where stories live. Discover now