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After they both left, I once again looked at the deviants from left to right. Gotta look for a reaction. I started by questioning the first android.

"What is your function?"

"I am a broadcast operator." It responded.

"State your model." I asked the second one.

"Model JB300, Serial number 336 445 581."

I continued to ask each of them questions. I also used some physical contact to try and scare them into confessing that they are the deviant, but they still stood in their place. I knew there was a deviant in the room because of the cameras. I just didn't know which one. In the end, I decided to use violence to the first android. I grabbed it's collar.

"You scumbag! I know it's you! You're just a fucking deviant. Go on, admit it!"

I pushed it a little and there was a reaction. He quickly grabbed my collar and tried to open my shirt. I struggled to stop him from taking out the biocomponent that regulates the heartbeat. He eventually got to it and pulled it out, chucking it across the room behind him. He grabbed the knife on the table and stabbed it into my hand and sticking it on the table. My vision began to glitch and warnings were popping up.





The deviant backed away slowly before running off. I looked to my left hand that was still pinned onto the table. I struggled to pull it out with the free hand and managed to take it out. I threw the knife and fell to the floor. As time was running out, I quickly tried to crawl and grab my biocomponent that was laying on the other side of the room.

"Aaron!" I called out but no answer. "Aaron! Hank! Help!" I cried out once more, but received no response.

I finally could reach the biocomponent and swiftly grabbed it, placing it back into my stomach. My LED switched to blue and everything was up and running again. I helped myself up with the chair that was near, and ran for the deviant before it was too late. I headed for the elevator hallway as I saw it walking casually trying not to get caught.

"It's a deviant! STOP IT!" I yelled as I calm to a quick halt.

The deviant reacted and grabbed one of the FBI's guns. Aaron and Hank both turned around as they were pulling their guns out. Before anything could happen, everything went slow and I looked at my options in front of me. Time was ticking before the deviant could do anything. I looked to the left.


I could stand in front of her to protect her. Then I looked forward. Attacking the deviant was another option. Then I looked to my right. My last option is to take the FBI's gun beside me. And that's what I did.

I quickly pulled then gun from its holder and shot three times in front of me. It struck the deviant and he fell on his knees, powering down.

"Nice shot, Connor." Hank complimented.

"I wanted it alive." I stared blankly at the non-moving deviant.

"You saved human lives..." Aaron turned to me. "You saved both me and Hank's life." She smiled.

I smiled slightly before walking up to the deviant. My shirt was still open, covered in thirium from the incident in that room. I wanted to ask it a few questions, but I guess that isn't apart of the plan anymore.

To Be Continued...

A/n: Hiya there. Ok so I was thinking of making another android type of story like this but with BTS. For all those BTS fans, I'm gonna make that type of story after this one ends. But the end is pretty far I guess XD. Welppp! Aaaaand this is kinda a shorter part? So I'll post another one after I finish revising later. 

Just An Android || Detroit: Become Human • Connor •Where stories live. Discover now