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Eden's POV

Han and I followed the Stormtroopers inside once they were out of earshot. We snuck around, hiding behind walls and the like as we trailed behind the enemy. All of a sudden, we heard a scream.

"Who was that?" Han asked.

"It was a girl," I answered as I sped ahead of Han, who went in the other direction. Once we reached the locked doors of the Council chamber, we saw Luna panting in front of Hecate, Yvonne, and Harkos.

"I know you're behind all this chaos," Luna huffed.

"Luna Levrel, the errand girl of Jabba the Hutt. This should be easy. Girls are weak, after all," Harkos snarled. That's sexist. I hate to admit this, but Hecate is one hell of a fighter, and she's a girl.

"Yeah, let's beat her to a bloody pulp," Yvonne let a sinister smile sneak its way onto her face. Han and I watched in horror as the three baddies dashed toward Luna, who shot at them with her blaster.

"Damn," she whispered under her breath.

"Is that all you've got? Ha! You've no talent at all!" Yvonne cackled. "People like you need to work harder,"

I grabbed my blaster and shot at the lock binding the two doors. Then, with all my strength, I kicked the doors open. After that, I sprinted towards Yvonne and kicked her right in the jaw.

"Gotcha!" she pinned my arms behind my back put a gun near my head. A shocked Luna gave me a confused glare.

Look, it's pretty obvious that Luna and I hate each other. However, we are comrades, and comrades help each other.

"I won't let you!" Luna shoots at Yvonne from behind, who dodges.

"Jeez," Yvonne shook her head as I wriggled free from her grasp.

"This is the end!" Harkos screamed as he dashed towards me. I turned around and kicked him straight in the jaw.

"No, this is just the beginning!" I yelled back and pinned him to the ground. Suddenly, I felt someone yank my arm.

"That all you got? Weak," Yvonne taunted. I could feel her iron grip on my forearm. Harkos ran towards me once more, throwing punches my way. I dodged all of them in the nick of time.

"Eden!" Luna cried. I turned to look her way, only to feel an uppercut to my chin. I collapsed to the ground, coughing up blood.

"You're next!" Harkos ran towards Luna.

"I'm not done yet!" I got up and kicked him in the arm, but missed terribly. He then proceeded to throw a punch my way, but I blocked using my arms.

"Eden!" Luna cried once more as I felt a cramp near my diaphragm and collapsed to the ground.

"Now then...the final blow!" Harkos prepared to jab me again.

"Don't," Hecate interjected. "I need her alive,"

"Yes, ma'am," Harkos sat on me. I could feel his weight on my back. It wasn't comfortable.

"I won't let you!" Luna got up and shot at Harkos. I looked up and saw three Stormtroopers with Luke, Han, and Ben.

"We've got them," one of them said.

"Good. Take them to the ship and wait for us while we take down these two brats," Hecate ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," the Stormtroopers nodded and led Luke, Han, and Ben away.

"I can fight, too!" Luna shot at Yvonne, who shot back at her. I heard her yelp as Hecate went over and grabbed her by the hair. She screamed.

"How are you gonna fight if your hair keeps getting in the way? Useless!" Hecate jeered. "Must be a pain, handling all that Rapunzel hair. Yvonne, why don't you finish her off for me? I've gotta keep this brat restrained,"

Luna gasped as she tried to summon some strength. Nothing.

"Alright, let's end this," Yvonne sneered. It was just then that I noticed that Luke had dropped his lightsaber. Yvonne bent down and picked it up.

"Why a lightsaber? A gunshot to the head will be more efficient," Hecate queried.

"I'll make this more painful for her. I just love the pained screams of my victims," Yvonne cackled. What a sick little bitch!

Suddenly, Luna snatched the lightsaber away from Yvonne and with a swift motion, chopped off most of her hair. I gasped as I watched her stand up, her short ponytail flowing in the wind.

I would never, ever think of cutting my hair. I always thought I would look horrendous with short hair. Besides, my friends kept their hair long and I wanted to fit in, so that's why I kept it long.

Luna got into her fighting stance, lightsaber in hand.

"You're not Force sensitive. How are you gonna use that?" Yvonne sneered. She must've spoken too soon because Luna raised the lightsaber and swung it at her opponent, who snatched it away from her. Yvonne twirled the lightsaber at Luna, who dodged in the nick of time.

"Watch out, Hecate!" Yvonne shouted as Luna shot at her and missed terribly.

"Damn!" Luna hissed under her breath.

"That all you got? Give up! You know you're not gonna win!" Yvonne snarled as she then proceeded to shoot at Luna, who was in the air. She yelped as blaster fire hit her in the arm.

"Got her," Hecate snickered. She gasped as Luna came charging at Yvonne from above. Like a football player, she tackled her opponent and managed to bite her wrist.

"Ouch! Get off, you brat!" she shoved Luna away, causing her to tumble on the ground. She looked me straight in the eye. I could sense her determination to protect me, even though we're enemies.

"Don't worry, Eden. Everything's gonna be okay," she reassured. That's so out of character for her.

"So now you're being nice to me?"

"Shut up! We're in the middle of a fight here! We're comrades. Of course I've gotta save your ass,"

"You bitch!" Yvonne roared with anger as she clenched her fist. Then, with all her power, she punched Luna in the jaw, knocking her out.

"Luna!" I screamed.

"Take her away, Harkos," Hecate gestured my way. Suddenly, I could feel the cold stun cuffs around my wrists.

"Move it, bitch," Harkos shoved me as I marched out of the Jedi Temple.


Author's Note: Our heroes have gotten themselves captured! Gasp! Where do you think they will go?

Star Wars EpisodeIVAU: Revival (Star Wars AU Series #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora