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Leia's POV

I crawled my way through the dark tunnel, seeing nothing but a faint flicker of light far away. Above me, I could hear the synchronised footsteps of Stormtroopers and Imperial officers alike. With my vision hindered by the blanket of darkness, I relied only on my hands to help me get through this tunnel. Suddenly, I felt something squishy. I took my hand out immediately as the smell of manure clogged my nose.

Soon, I reached the light at the end of the tunnel and emerged from the darkness. I felt gross all over, especially since I was crawling through manure. I cringed as I spotted brown stains on the bottom half of my dress.

"Oh, Mistress Leia!" a robotic voice called out. C3PO and R2D2 appeared to be waiting for me to emerge from manure.

"Shhhh! Mia's gotten herself captured by the Imperials, want me to end up like that?" I hissed.

"No," C3PO shook his head.

"Good. Now, we've got to rescue Mia and get out of here!"

"Why are you even here, anyway?"

"Mia said there was something sketchy going on. Maybe it had something to do with Princess Eden. Now, you stay here,"

"Again? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to sneak around," I said as I left the droids on their own---again. After some wandering around, I spotted a black-haired female Imperial officer talking with her subordinates.

"What happened to Hecate?" she demanded.

"Mia Mircada knocked her out with a box," one of her subordinates said.

"Damn. We need her approval on our plans. We plan to test it out on a planet. That way, we can strike fear into the galaxy's civilians and pretty soon, we'll have the galaxy within our grasp,"

Plans? What plans are they talking about? With people like them, there's no joking around about taking control. I learned in my history class that some rulers had to go to the extreme to keep themselves in power. During the times of the Imperial Empire, Palpatine set up death camps on Mustafar. He would send political opponents and renegades there for them to work for him and to basically rot.

I inched closer, stepping on my dress and falling face first all in the process.

"Someone's here, Yvonne." a Stormtrooper informed, pointing in my direction.

"Check it out," Yvonne ordered. Soon, I found myself face to face with the Stormtrooper.

"Look what we have here. Leia Skywalker, daughter of Anakin Skywalker. This might be our lucky day," he said.

"Bring her here," Yvonne instructed. That was my cue to run.


Author's Note: Where will Leia go now that she's on the run?

Star Wars EpisodeIVAU: Revival (Star Wars AU Series #2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें