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Luke's POV

"Mom!" I yelled once Mia and I had returned from our sojourn. She was about to board a ship, alongside Master Tano, Ajax, Jyn, Cassian, a clone trooper, and Min.

"Luke, I said it already. You can't come on this mission," she said once she acknowledged my presence.

"But mom, I want to see Dad! I want to see the world!"

"Luke, I've said it a million times already. You. Can't. Come,"

"Excuse me," Mia made her way onto the ship. Mom turned around and the door closed behind her.

"Stop! Let me go! Please!" I implored as the ship lifted off the ground. I watched in dismay as it made the jump to hyperspace and disappeared immediately. After a moment of wallowing in disappointment, I jumped up and headed back inside.

I leaped inside an X-wing and started the engine. Many heads turned my way as I prepared for takeoff.

"Hey, hey! Get out of the ship!" a Rebel Fighter scolded. I ignored him as I flew the ship towards the exit. I felt the friction against the ground as I steered the ship. Within seconds, it was off the ground. I had successfully done my first takeoff.

Dad used to tell me stories of how he fought the Trade Federation when he was nine. Ever since then, I had been excited to fly a ship. The thrill of piloting seemed so appealing to me. The sense of adventure was one I've always had since I was little.

"Alright, R2, let's make our way to Tatooine," I said as I maneuvered the ship towards Tatooine...according to the map, at least.


Author's Note: Phew, this chapter was pretty short. And that, my friends, concludes the first part of Star Wars: Revival. What do you think awaits Luke? Who is Princess Eden? So many questions!

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