Ben's History Lesson

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Luke's POV

"What are you still doing on Tatooine?" Ben questioned once he saw us on his front porch. "I warned you to leave,"

"Ben, this mission is too important for me to give it up," I pleaded.

"Luke's right. We found an ally that will help us find Anakin Skywalker and he got himself captured by Jabba the Hutt," Eden implored.

"Jabba the Hutt? See, this is why I told you to leave Tatooine. It's thugs like Jabba that cause danger around here," Ben raised his eyebrows.

"Ben, ignore that, please!" Eden and I chorused together. Ben's eyes widened, as if he was shocked. His mouth opened, but no sound came out for a silent two minutes.

"Okay, if you insist. But I must tell you some history," Ben let us inside and sat us down at his dining table.

"So what 'history' do you want to tell us?" Eden said monotonously.

"The galaxy can be dangerous. Do you know about the times of Emperor Palpatine?"

"I know a little bit,"

"Well, let me explain. There was a traitor of the Republic,"

"A traitor...?" I murmured. Dad never mentioned anybody who betrayed the Republic except for Emperor Palpatine. I've heard other people mention the person. They would react differently, but Master Tano's was a whole new story. She would stay silent whenever the person was mentioned in any way, shape, or form.

"Yes, there was a traitor. A traitor who does not deserve to be named,"

"What happened to the traitor?"

"Nobody knows. The traitor was a slave dancer to Jabba the Hutt. Padme, Mia, and Anakin's friend Will went to free her, hoping she would lead them to Palpatine. Instead, she betrayed them by sending them to Palpatine's death camps,"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Ben. I know the whole story, now can you help us rescue our ally, Han Solo?"

"Alright, if you insist. Things in the galaxy are not good. There's an assassin going around, attempting to assassinate important figures of the galaxy. Anakin was one of them,"

"There's just one problem," Eden interrupted. "How will we get into Jabba's palace?"


Author's Note: For those of you who know who the traitor is, please be courteous and do not say who it is. Remember, this is the sequel to Sith Rising, so this book will refer to events that happened in Sith Rising. If you haven't read Sith Rising, I advise you go and read that before continuing forward because there will be spoilers.

Anyway, enough about that. How do you think they will get into Jabba's palace?

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