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Jack and I are sitting in our living room, high as a fucking kite. We have half a pan of brownies left and we have the munchies so then we'll eat more, then well be even more hungry and it'll be an endless cycle until we run out.

"I'm so happy you're here," I tell him, snuggling into his chest.

"I'm so happy to be here, with you." He leans down and kisses me. "The guys said that they wanted to throw me a party tonight and I would feel bad not to go,"

"That's fine," I tell him honestly. "As long as I can come because y'all ain't getting high without me."

"I figured you'd come with me," He chuckled and I can't get over how cute he is.


Music is being blared throughout Cameron's entire house and there's tons of people here, half of which Jack and I don't even know. I'm sitting on Jack's lap, taking hits from the bong as he talks to Taylor. They are talking about the new apartment while I'm high as fuck. All day I've been high and I'm definitely not complaining.

I lean back on Jack's chest and he wraps his arms around me from behind. As we're sitting there, a boy with blonde hair approaches us but doesn't say anything. Jack doesn't see him as he continues to talk to Cam and I stare at the guy with knitted eyebrows. I tap Jack's leg and point to the boy.

"Jack!" Jack shouts and gently pushes me off of his lap. "What's up, man? I thought you were back in Nebraska?" He says, a huge smile on his face as he gives this guy a hug. Did he call him Jack?

"I was but I wanted to surprise you. Happy birthday!" He says.

"Thanks, man. I missed you so much! Hey look, this is my girlfriend Alexis. Alexis, this is my best friend, Jack."

I stand up and shake his hand.

"It's nice to meet you," I assure him with a smile.


"So now there's two Jack's," I chuckle and they nod, big smiles on their faces. Jack whispers something in my Jack's ear.

"Babe, I'll be back in a minute," He tells me and places a peck on my lips before walking away with him friend.


just a little filler.

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