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I walk around the crowded house, looking for Sebraeya. When I spot her in the kitchen, she is talking to a boy with short, dark brown hair. He is tall and slim, looking exactly like her type. I approach her and she looks at me with a smile on her face, wiggling her eyebrows. If I wasn't feeling the way that I was, I'd chuckle but I just can't. I grab her arm and attempt to pull her over to the side so that the kid won't hear us.

"What are you doing?" She asks but doesn't give me time to answer before telling the boy to stay put. We make our way over to the corner where there aren't much people and I begin to talk.

"I need to go, like right now. I'm not feeling good and I need to go home and go to bed." I explain, hoping she'll allow us to leave. Even if she doesn't, I'm bouncing and she'll have to find her own ride home.

"Go ahead. Shawn will drive me home." She says.


"Shawn, remember my old best friend from middle school? He moved away and I haven't seen him since. Well that's who I was talking to-"

"Okay, okay." I cut her off. "I'll call you tomorrow." I walk away and towards the front door to leave. It seems like a stupid reason to leave, you know... because a boy that I basically don't know at all is nodding out. It really brought back horrible child hood memories, and I couldn't bare to sit there and watch. I'll admit that I don't like Jack. He's an asshole and needs to mind his own business, but really you could be Satan and if I was watching you nod out, it would still hit a nerve and make me pity the pathetic-ness. You'd have to be a fucking dumbass to take pills. I understand that people have their own reasoning behind it, but it is still the most disgusting thing I've witnessed in life. Especially from an early age.

As I continue to push my way through the crowd, someone grabs my arm and I spin around. Eddie is standing there with a smile on his face. I place my hand over my heart and let out a relieved sigh.

"You scared me nearly half to death." I breathe out and he chuckles.

"My apologies," He holds his hands up in surrender. "Earlier you were having a little problem, so I figured I'd let you handle it. But now that you seem to be problem free, I thought it'd be a great time to get your number and talk about taking you out for lunch tomorrow." He smirks and my heart flutters.

"Of course," I say.

Once he has it in his phone, I explain to him that I have to be home asap. He understood and was nice enough not to ask questions. As I'm finally reaching the door, I notice Jack sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall while people throw drinks at him and flick their cigarette ashes on him. He's too busy nodding out to even notice or take action in the situation. My heart tightens and I rush over to everyone and push them out of the way as they laugh hysterically.

"Get the fuck away from him," I shout and they back up. I struggle to pull him off of the ground but eventually get him up. "Come on." I mutter and drag his body to the door.

"Where are we going?" He mumbles and I help him down the porch steps and to my car.

"I'm taking you back to Janine's." I assure him and help him to the passenger side of the car.

"No, I can't go there like this." He says when I open the door. I don't bother to respond and I get him to sit down. After buckling him up, I walk over to the driver's side and start the car. I start making my way to Janine's and he starts to speak once again. "I really can't go there. If I go there like this, she'll send me back to my mom's." He whines and I knit my eyebrows in confusion. "I can't go back there."

"Well then where are you going to stay?" I ask, trying to think if he has any friends around here. "Can't you stay with Cameron?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Why not?" I shout when he starts to nod out once again.

"Because he won't be home tonight and his mother isn't all that fond of me," He manages to speak a proper sentence but his words are all jumbled up, yet I still understand what he is saying. "I guess just drop me off at a park."

"Why would I drop your dumbass off at a park? There are creeps, bugs, and killers out there. You're not sleeping at a park." I say in a demanding tone and he slightly turns his head to look at me. His eyes are droopy and his mouth is hanging open.

"I have nowhere to go, though."

I let out a defeated sigh and turn left, beginning to make my way to my house.

"Wear these," I say, throwing him a pair of my mother's boyfriend's sweatpants. "I'll go get you blankets and pillows." I leave the room and walk to the hallway closet, gathering a thick, cotton blanket for him to sleep on and a few other blankets, including pillows. When I enter my room again, he is laying in my bed, fast asleep. "You've gotta be kidding me." I mutter under my breath and drop everything onto the floor. I walk to the bed and begin to shake him. "Come on, I'll make you a bed on the floor."

He whines and shoves my hands away. "Why can't I sleep on the bed? It's big enough."

"You're right, but I don't want some drugged up dude sleeping next to me." I assure him and start to pull at him arm. "Come on!" I shout and he turns over onto his stomach and puts the pillow over his head.

I eventually give up and make a bed on the floor, refusing to sleep anywhere near him. Never did I ever think that I'd have to take care of Jack while he was like this... or any way.

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