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Jack's POV•

I stare at her in confusion. The last thing I want to do is hurt her feelings but to tell the truth, she's sort of hurting mine because she is basically saying that she doesn't give not even half of a fuck if I want to do anything more than kissing with her, and I want her to want me to. I want her to want me, the way that I want her. I feel like a girl that's playing hard to get and it's actually making me quite sick. I don't know if I like Alexis or not. I've only known her a little over two weeks and we've already kissed like we've known each other for years. Usually if I'd kiss a girl like that, I'd get right to the point and fuck her... but it isn't like that with Lex.

"Can we please just put all of this passed us? The whole flirting and kissing?" I ask and she stares at me. "I'm just honestly tired of talking about fucking you if it isn't going to happen."

Her eyes widen. "Wow, dick much?" She asks. "And if I recall, you're the one saying you don't want to fuck me. I never said if I wanted to or not."

"So you do?"

"Did I say I do?" She gives me a disgusted look and I'm not sure what to say at this point. "Stop being so fucking focused on sex, and focus on us being friends because that's what I want out of this. Nothing more, nothing less."

"So... you're saying you don't like like me?" I ask, insanely confused.

"Did I fucking say that? Open your ears, please and thank you. I just said that I don't want to be more than friends, but that's because we just met." she says and I think she's confusing the both of us now.

"Wait, what?"

"I don't know if I like you the way that you're implying. I don't even know you enough. Yes, you're very handsome, but no.. at this moment in time, I don't want this to go anywhere because I don't know what my true feelings are. Make sense?"

Yes, actually. "Yeah," I mumble.

"Finally. I felt like I was speaking to a fucking brick wall," She rolls her eyes and falls onto her back. I crawl up next to her, a smile plastered on my face.

"So does this mean we can't kiss anymore?" I ask and she opens her eyes to look at me, a smile spreading across her face.

"I wouldn't go that far unless you would." She says and I smirk before leaning down and kissing her on the lips.

So really, this entire situation is fucking confusing.


Hours upon hours pass as Alexis and I lay on her bed. But while we were doing that, we got to know each other a little more and as we were doing that, our hands were basically glued together.

I found out that her favorite band is Guns-N-Roses, she loves the guitarist Slash with all of her being, her dad passed when she was just a little girl, but she refused to talk about it. I also found out that she is a Taurus, and just a bunch more. I'd choose getting to know her rather than fuck random girls.

"We should go out to the kitchen. I'm hungry," She tells me as she gets off the bed and let's go of my hand. I figure Janine is still here since she hasn't come to look for me yet.

We make our way downstairs to the kitchen and there is a bunch of cooked foods on the counter. I look outside from the kitchen and the only reason I'm able to see who is out there is because of the lanterns hanging above the tent that is over the large patio. Janine and Alexis' mother and her boyfriend are out there with only three other people, drinking and smoking. Alexis scares me when she nudges my arm.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, I can make my plate." I smile at her and she shrugs but smiles back. We quickly stack our plates with food and warm it up before sitting at the island to eat. When you think about it, it's quite funny that we missed the entire cookout and it's already dark outside. While we're finishing our last few bites of food, everyone piles into the kitchen, laughing all at once.

They are all completely drunk and high out of their minds.

"Oh, who's this cutie?" Alexis' mother asks her, causing me to blush yet smirk to myself.

"This is Jack.. Janine's nephew." She mutters.

"Oh, we'll you're a good looking man. Your parents must be proud." She says and I sit there quietly.

"Mom, stop." Alexis says and I quietly thank her. If I did thank her, she wouldn't know what for. But it would be because I don't want to talk about my parents... after everything they've put me through.

"You guys should go get in the pool." Her mom's boyfriend says and Alexis looks at me, and I shrug in response.

"Once we let our stomachs settle we can." She says to me.

"Okay," I nod.


I explain to Alexis that I'm going to just swim in my basketball shorts and she runs upstairs to her room to change and grab us towels. If there's one thing I love, it's night swimming; especially with a gorgeous girl.

She comes outside with a red beach towel wrapped around her body and assures me that she's chilly. I know she's just nervous about showing her body, which I don't understand because we've already swam in the beach together so I've already got to see. I'm still wearing my shirt when she drops her towel and walks toward the edge of the large built in pool.

Alexis' POV•

I watch Jack as he pulls his shirt over his head and I nearly drool all over myself. Why must he be so perfect in so many ways? He's got the perfect torso, a beautiful happy trail, muscular arms, the perfect jawline. Fuck, everything about this guy is literal perfection and it makes me absolutely sick to my entire damn stomach.

"Are you gonna get in?" He asks as he is already on the second step on the pool.

"Mhm," I stare at him as I walk towards to edge of the pool and sit down before sliding it. I ignore how cold it is and swim towards him. He splashes me and I stand up, pushing him backwards. "I don't like to be splashed!" I shout but can't help but laugh when he falls.

"And I don't like to be pushed." He floats towards me and grabs my waist before pulling me around the pool. He pulls me closer and I wrap my legs around him as we literally just float. He holds onto both of my hands and it's really hard to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. "Is it weird that I feel like I've known you for years?"

I shake my head. "Not at all, because I feel the same." I do feel like I've known Jack for years, but I'm using the fact that I really don't know him as an excuse to not fall for him.

"Really?" He questions and I nod.

"The second I turned around and saw you standing in Janine's living room, I felt like I really knew who you were, but I didn't so it was weird." I explain. "And to get a little more into this conversation, I feel like we have a special bond and considering that we hardly know each other is odd because it takes me a while to get used to someone... I was used to you after that night and it never made sense to me."

He just stares at me with a genuine smile on his face and something in me takes over as I lean in to kiss him. We kiss passionately for a few seconds before pulling away and leaning our foreheads against each other's.

"Just don't hurt me." I whisper.

"I won't as long as you won't hurt me." He mumbles against my lips before kissing me again.

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