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"Jack, I can't run away." I tell him, not sure if I can do this. Personally, I don't give a shit that my bitch of a mother kicked me out. I was basically asking for it and I just knew that the day would come.

"But why? We can leave and just, get away from all of the bullshit. We can get an apartment and be roommates. We'll get jobs, and we both have cars so it'll all just workout, Alexis." He holds onto both of my arms and stares at me with pleading eyes.


"Alexis, listen to me... it's obvious that the both of us are not happy about our lives. We can make it to where we are finally happy. Your mom won't be able to tell you what to do, Janine can't tell me what to do... it'll be perfect. We can finally just get away."

"How old are you?" I ask.

"Seventeen. Why?"

"This is why it won't work. I'm eighteen and if we run away, I can basically be charged with kidnap since you're underage. The only problem here is that I have no where to go."

"I guess you're right.." he mumbles, looking off into space as if trying to think of a solution. "Come stay at Janine's."

"Janine won't let me stay-"

"Who said she has to know? The only time she comes into my room is to yell at me. Every morning around five o'clock she leaves for work and takes the boys to daycare. You'll obviously stay in my room but if you're not comfortable with sleeping with me, we'll figure something out." He explains and I start to wonder what it'll be like to live with Jack. "What do you say?"

I stay quiet for a few seconds before opening my mouth to respond.

"I have to pack my stuff."


1 week later

"Has that guy tried texting or calling you lately?" Jack asks as he leans against the counter, taking large bites of cereal.

"Not since our so called date." I say as I pour tea into my cup. "And I haven't tried contacting him."

It's been a week of living with Jack and it hasn't been so bad. It's also been a week since we last kissed and it's kind of driving me crazy. I don't want to think I like Jack, but let's face the facts because I do. I've had the urge all week to grab his perfectly chiseled face and kiss him.

Janine has caught me here twice, but we just assured her that we were hanging out, and she believed us. Currently, she is out with her boyfriend while the boys are with her mother.

"What's the best date you've been on?" He asks, a smirk on his face as he chews his cereal.

"Well there was this one date that I went on with this pimp, and he drove me around city streets, showing me his girls that were working. I even got to see him get out of the car and slap one of them for sleeping on the job." I tell him, a serious expression on my face. He squints his eyes at me and drops his bowl in the sink.

"I'm being serious."

I chuckle, "The best date I've been on was this Six Flags date. This really amazing guy took me on a date to an amusement park because some other guy took me on a suckish date." I explain to him and when I look at him, he's closer to me than he was before.

"You think I'm amazing?" He asks softly, looking down at me and brushing my hair out of my face. I don't say anything, instead I nod. "I've been dying to kiss you all week, Alexis. But I didn't want to make you uncomfortable while you were trying to settle in."

"Don't ever think twice about kissing me." I smile and he grabs me by my waist and kisses me. The sound of someone clearing their throat causes us to pull away quickly. Janine is standing in the dining room, arms crossed, staring at us with squinted eyes.

"Um, I better go," I say, walking towards the living room but Jack grabs my arm and I look at him.

"No," He whispers quiet enough for only me to here. I wink at him and he nods before I walk into the living room. I make sure Janine can't see me when I open the door and shut it loudly. I very slowly make my way upstairs to Jack's room and wait for him. I hear the two of them arguing and realize that their voices are getting closer.

"You're supposed to be getting your life back on track! Not kissing girls for the hell of it!" Janine yells. "Stop fucking up!"

"How am I fucking up by kissing a girl that I'm falling in love with?" He yells back and my heart stops.

"Not only are you kissing girls, but I bet you're doing drugs!" The second she says those words, his bedroom door opens and I instantly drop to the floor and roll under his bed. "Are they in your dresser?" She asks, opening his dresser drawers and slamming them shut moments later.

"There's nothing in my fucking room!" He yells as she opens his closet door. Good thing I didn't hide in there.

"You've got a fucking bong in here! You are a piece of shit! Wait until your mother hears about this! I'm this close to sending you home, Jack. Keep fucking up, and that's where you'll be!" When she's done screaming, the sound of shattering glass fills my ears. That bitch broke his bong! Seconds later, his bedroom door slams shut.

"You can come out now," He says and I slide out from under the bed. He's standing there, tears streaming down his face and I rush over to him, pulling him into a tight hug. "I don't want to cry in front of you. Just give me a minute."

"Jack, you don't have to have it together at all times. It's okay to cry." When the words leave my mouth, he completely breaks down as he lays his head on my shoulder. This is the worst I've seen him and it's honestly breaking my heart.

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