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It's been three days since Jack and I had sex and we've been closer than ever. We've tried hard to stay out of the house because if Janine knew what was really going on, she'd freak out. She already brought up the fact that my mother kicked me out because I know my mom told her, but I had that covered. I told her that I'm living with Sebraeya.


Jack and I walk down the Avenue, hand in hand.

"What about here?" He asks, pointing at the FroYo shop. "Imagine working there."

"I do like FroYo.." I mutter and he drags me inside. He asks for two applications and the lady at the counter gives us two pens to fill them out. We sit at one of the table and fill them out together. "Now, your birthday is...?"

"September tenth."

"Alright, it's July twentieth, so if we get the jobs, or jobs and if we save up, we could rent an apartment." I say, thinking far ahead, but not too far ahead. We aren't together and we're not trying to move in together as a couple, just as roommates. We'll have our own rooms, just like how normal roommates would. We aren't making any stupid decisions.

"I think that if we save up, by the time my birthday comes we'll have enough to get a two bedroom apartment. Hut we've gotta save up every pay check to make this happen." He says and I squint my eyes at him.

"I just said that." I chuckle and he smiles at me.

"Yes, but I got more into detail with it." He assures me and I roll my eyes before finishing up my application. We hand in the applications and decide to get some frozen yogurt. I get cake batter flavored with crushed Reese's on top and Jack gets strawberry flavored with crushed Oreos. He pays for the both of us and we walk out to his car and eat it. As we're sitting there eating, Sebraeya walks by, hand in hand with Cameron. I wonder how she's doing and I haven't talked to her in a while. So, I beep the horn as they walk in front of the car, causing Sebraeya to jump. When she sees me, she walks over to my side and Cameron walks to Jack's side.

"Hey stranger." She said and I roll my eyes. "What have you been up to?"

"Not much. I wanna chill with you soon because I've got a fuck load to tell you."

"Well Taylor is throwing a party tonight. Nash and Aaron are gonna be there." She tells me and I nod. "So do you guys wanna come?"

"Of course. Is it gonna be at Taylor's?" I ask the obvious and she nods. "Alright, I'll talk to Jack about it."

"Are um, are you and Jack a thing?" She asks and I shrug. "No way!" She shouts, causing Jack and Cameron to look at us. I widen my eyes at her. "Sorry.."

The boys look away.

"That's what I want to talk to you about. Later, though." I explain and she nods.


"Cam said that Taylor is having a party tonight. Do you wanna go?" Jack asks me while I stand in front of his bathroom sink, doing my make up. He stands behind me, watching me while I put my eyeshadow on. He grabs my waist and the butterflies in my stomach try desperately to get out.

"That's actually what I was getting ready for. Are you going?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure what I want to wear, plus I need to shave my face." He says, looking in the mirror and feeling his chin. I stand up straight and turn to look at him. "Help me pick something out?"

"Sure," I grab his hand and we go into his room. We go through his drawers and I grab a pair of black cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. "This would be really, really hot on you." I say, letting my confidence get the best of me. Ballsy much, Alexis?

"Alright. I wanna shave my face first," He tells me and walks back into his bathroom. I go through my clothes and choose to wear ripped jeans with black lace leggings underneath and a black shirt that says 'Drugs, not hugs. Don't touch me' and a pair of high top converse.

I walk into the bathroom and Jack is shirtless with shaving cream all other the bottom half of his face. I smile and grab the razor that sits on the counter. I stand in front of him and he lets me help him shave.

"You look funny," I assure him.

"And you look pretty." He says. "As always."

"How sweet. Thank you," I smile and finish up with shaving him. Luckily, I only pricked him once.


We enter Taylor's house and the music already sucks. Rap sucks unless it's old rap... and it isn't. Jack has his arm draped around me as we enter the kitchen, being greeted by our friends. I see Sebraeya and remember that I have some stuff to tell her, but I'll give it a while.

"Are you guys an item now?" Dillon asks, a beer in his hand.

"No," Jack and I say at the same time and I'm relieved that we both said 'no'. Everyone snickers to themselves and I roll my eyes then walk to the cooler, glad to see that there are water bottles as an option out of all the beverages. When I turn around, Jack and the rest of the guys are gone but Sebraeya is standing there, drinking a pink wine cooler.

"Where'd they go?" I ask, pushing my way past a bunch of people I don't know to stand with her.

"To smoke, which is good because you have a lot to tell me." She smiles and pulls me to the living room. She makes two girls get off the couch so we can sit down and talk.

DerangedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora