44. Pregnancies can be horrible.

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Hi there Anagha here. Missing my chapter then one more chapter is here.

Nobody's POV

The Red headed Princess of Clariness was going to be a mother in 9 months in the merely age of 20 was surprised herself and was embarrassed about the whole fact that the baby in her womb,was nobody else but The Second Prince of Clariness.

The Second Prince was surprised too but enjoyed the fact that he was going to be a fathe- i mean dadda. The Princess likes to call her father as dadda so expects the baby to call the Second Prince as dadda.

But that was a another matter that Princess was suffering a lot in her first pregnancy yet to make it more worst, her morning sickness was occupying her every single morning without fail.

The Second Prince was worried about his sweet Princess but there was nothing he could do to make her feel good but only support her in her pregnancy and make her happy.

The Princess was very happy to-be a mother of the baby of Her First love and the last one, The Second Prince of Clariness.

The Second Prince would always like alluring his beautiful wife while carrying his child. There was no doubt that she still looked gorgeous. The Princess would just blush at her husband for alluring at her.

The Princess was too lucky to be a Mother of her lover's baby but she was worried that if she became fat then her sweet prince wouldn't love her anymore. And marry someone else so she tried not to eat too much food.

In the library.

The young princess was sitting near the window while reading a book on pregnancy.

Body changes during pregnancy are expected. As your pregnancy progresses you will experience physical changes, including backaches, weight gain and fluid retention. Symptoms like these, while uncomfortable, are normal, and often will go away after you give birth or as your pregnancy progresses.

Your Changing Body

Body changes during pregnancy are more common & natural than you think! As your pregnancy progresses, you will experience a series of physical changes, including backaches, weight gain and fluid retention. Symptoms like these, although uncomfortable, are normal, and will often alleviate after your baby is born or as your pregnancy progresses.

In the meantime, there are ways to manage these physiological changes during pregnancy so that you can enjoy this time with some well-deserved rest, love and pampering!

Weight Gain

Weight gain is one of the most noticeable physical changes during pregnancy. Try to keep in mind that this weight gain during pregnancy is important for the nourishment and overall health of you and your developing baby. This additional weight will eventually come off after the baby is born. Concentrate on:

Eating nutritious meals
Cutting out junk food
Exercising regularly (after first checking with your doctor)

If you experience backache brought on by pregnancy, try these methods for easing your discomfort and getting a good night's sleep (under y our doctor's supervision):

Go for simple stretching or yoga to release tension in the back and leg muscles and strengthen them
Treat yourself to a massage to relax and loosen tight and sore back muscles
Try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your bent knees to support your lower back
Swollen Ankles and Feet

Your body retains more fluid during pregnancy. Due to this, you may experience swollen legs, ankles and/or feet (edema), particularly during your third trimester. To relieve this condition:

Stay off your feet as much as possible
Wear comfortable shoes
Avoid sitting or standing for long periods
Note: Call your doctor if you notice sudden swelling on your hands and face. It could signal a dangerous pregnancy condition called preeclampsia.

Itchy Skin

It is not uncommon to feel itchy as the skin on your breasts and belly expands. Some women also find that their palms and the soles of their feet get red. You may also find that certain conditions which normally make you itchy (such as dry skin, eczema or food allergies) worsen during pregnancy.

To reduce discomfort, avoid taking hot showers or baths, use mild soap and moisturize liberally with lotion.

Intense Itching

Severe itchiness in the second or, more commonly, third trimester can be a sign of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, a liver problem that affects up to 2 percent of pregnant women and may spell trouble for your baby. Such changes during pregnancy are not entirely normal, but you need not panic. Call your doctor immediately if you think you have cholestasis. If you do, your doctor will recommend the appropriate tests for you and your baby.

When to See a Doctor: Contact your obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GY) promptly if you begin to feel persistent or extreme itchiness.

Stretch Marks

Not all women get stretch marks. They appear in areas where the skin has stretched more quickly than normal due to rapid weight gain. You can reduce the probability of these by gradually adding pounds, and not exceeding the recommended weight for your body type.

If you do get stretch marks, there are some options for minimizing their appearance. Some studies have shown that topical ointments may help; however, they must be applied soon after you give birth.

(Note: Some topical treatments are not safe to use while you are pregnant and/or nursing, so consult with your doctor).

Fast-growing Fingernails

Sometime around the fourth month, your nails may start to grow faster than usual. They may also become softer or more brittle and develop tiny grooves. They should return to normal within a few months postpartum.

Body Changes to Get Excited About

While pregnancy body changes are a challenge to deal with, there are a few physical changes you will enjoy and cherish, such as:

Healthy and soft hair
The proverbial "glow"
A newly ample bosom

The Princess read every single line with care and properly to understand more of her condition and situation.

The Second Prince entered the library to see his sweet princess sitting near window. The prince walked tiptoes to her and hugged her from back.

Firstly the Princess got surprised and tried to protest but then realized the smoothing touch of her husband around stomach. She relaxed in her husband's arm trying to make him aware that she is being a proper mother to their baby.

The Second Prince smiled and stroked her flate abdomen where their little one was developing. And the Sweet Princess just accepted all the loving strokes happily and closed her eyes while resting her head on her husband's chest.

"You look so gorgeous, my dear", the young Prince of Clariness said smiling.

The Red Headed Princess blushed and hugged her husband tight.

In response the Young Prince kissed his princess's forehead and got down to come face to face with her abdomen.

The Princess blushed harder.  "When will we go back to Wistal again, Zen?", the princess asked lovingly.

"Soon, very soon my dear. Just wait for a few days more", the Second Princess said while kissing her abdomen lovingly and care while trying to hear the baby.

Bye! See you in next chapter!

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