I see a customer on her left and give one last smile to Lea and turn to the girl.

"What can I get you?" I ask in my normal voice, not really wanting to talk to anyone other than Lea but I work with people and have to deal with them so I give her a small smile.

She leans over the bar so her chest is on the bar but I look her in the eyes because these girls that walk around in underwear and throw themselves at anything, disgust me.

"I want a vodka shot. For starters." came her annoyingly squeaky voice and then she sent me a wink that I ignored and turned to get her drink.

When I turned back around to hand the drink to the girl, I see Lea is already talking to the guy from the group and I instantly frown.

I really like her and it seems I need to make my move soon or she'll end up with an asshole like this one.

She has made me smile and laugh more in the past week than I have in years. Sometimes problems just build up and you forget to enjoy life.

The whole night Lea would drink only a coke and a couple of beers but nothing too hard, while the guy who is still trying to make her leave is beyond drunk and I don't know how he can even form a sentence.

The customer that came a bit after Lea has not stopped flirting with me and it's starting to get really annoying. I mean if I didn't say yes in the first half an hour, I'm not going to in the next 3 hours.

I finish work at 12 and it's 11:30 right now. Some people have left to hook up or to go home and nurse their already there headaches.

I'm not sure why Lea hasn't left yet because she is not leaving with that douche, or so I hope and she does not look like she will be leaving with any of the drunks.

I feel a little speck of hope that she is here for me and is waiting for me to get off work.

With my new found bravery I write her a note and pass it to her with her beer and I see her nod at my message which makes me feel a lot better.

I turn back and start to count down the minutes until I finish work.


~~~Lea's POV~~~

Meet me out back in 30 minutes. I want to talk to you.

Finally he is starting to notice me!

I thought it was mostly guys that were friend zoned, but with talking to him this past week I haven't gotten a single signal that he likes me more than a friend.

He is the first guy to make me nervous but comfortable at the same time. I sometimes want to hit my head against a wall for some of the things I say and do.

I am the queen of weird faces and voices. Vi has named it vood swings.

You know you have mood swings where you suddenly change your mood? Well mine is that but I suddenly change my voice and accent as well and make faces to go along with it.

Violet is used to it but I can't imagine it being attractive to a guy that looks like Jace.

I mean he is too good looking for starters.What the hell do they put in his food?

Secondly, how the hell is he that good looking? I know that's the same as number one but I mean come on, look at him!

He makes me smile and feel comfortable but also blush and stutter when he looks at me too long or intensely.

Love at Last [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now