Chapter Fifteen

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Ryan sat on the couch in their room in Dr. Zhan's lab, glaring out the window. Garrett was at the table, his hands folded in front of his mouth as dried tear streaks glinted in the light on his cheeks. Not one of them had said a word since yesterday when Dr. Zhan came in and delivered the grave news. Their families had been informed of their return, but they were not in the mood to receive anyone. Ryan blamed himself for Lanah's death, and he was sure Garrett blamed himself as well. However, the guilt weighed heavily more on Ryan's shoulders than it did Garrett's. Ryan knew the truth as to why Lanah agreed to help them in the first place, and he watched her change of heart. He watched as she pushed her body to the max in order to atone for what she had originally planned for them. This is what burdened Ryan. All he did was watch.

According to Dr. Zhan, an infectious disease had taken over her body, and it destroyed her. They were not allowed to see the body in case the disease spread. Ryan and Garrett were not pleased with this, and did their best to argue, but Dr. Zhan's words were final. For the records, they were asked to give reports about what they had seen. Ryan and Garrett decided together to inform them on some of the horrors. They would leave out majority of it, in case they wanted to make another expedition. The Badlands were never mentioned, neither were the factions in the Exiled Lands mentioned. They wanted to keep that a secret for the time being. Besides, even if they had told the whole truth, many of the scientists and specialists working marked them as insane, saying "there is no monster like that" or "there is no way that could have happened". Ryan secretly wanted them to go out into the Exiled Lands and see if they would return. He knew they wouldn't even make it past Erik.

A buzz from the teleportator informed them someone was coming, and Ryan drifted his eyes over to the entrance to see General Hopkins, Garrett's father, walk in. He had on his army uniform, decorated with golden medals, clinking as he walked towards Garrett. Garrett didn't acknowledge him even as he stood in front of the table.

"Garrett, you have done well on this mission," General Hopkins stated, his gruff voice irritating to Ryan. Ryan slightly narrowed his eyes. One would think due to Garrett's unresponsiveness that he was in no mood to talk, yet the General blatantly ignored this. "Your records have been uploaded into the database, and you have been reinstated into the army. You have done the Republic proud, and so you will--"

"Shut up." Garrett's tone was final, his eyes glinting with anger as he slid them over to look at his father. A sinister, dark veil seemed to cloak Garrett, and General Hopkins glared back.

"What did you say to me boy?"

"I said 'shut up', although I know you clearly heard what I said," said Garrett as he stood. "I don't care what records have been uploaded. I will not be going back."

"Isn't that why you went on the suicide mission?" growled General Hopkins and Garrett smiled vindictively.

"It's not a suicide mission if we can return," he said quietly. "In fact, it's quite character building. Why don't you take a trip out there? Run in with some monsters and we'll see if the army is right for you."

"I'm sure the illusions of the Exiled Lands have fogged your mind, but in the Republic we--"

"ILLUSIONS?" shouted Garrett, his eyes blazing with fury. "You think we imagined the beasts we had to discuss? About the buzzards that plucked us off the ground? The Soliso? The beast-like raptors? Thing is, General, you don't know shit about the Exiled Lands. There are things we still don't know. We made our expedition short in order to get back here in time. Don't tell me everything was an illusion. Not when we experienced everything firsthand." General Hopkins stared at Garrett for a moment before a degrading smirk appeared on the corners of his lips.

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