Chapter Thirteen

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Lanah stood before the door, the lock already opened and set aside. Ryan had gone back to gather the supplies and to wake Garrett. His wound wouldn't be fully healed, but it wouldn't open back up either. Another application of the plant once they made camp near the Badlands and he would be right as rain. She took a deep breath and rested her hand on the handle. Slowly she turned it, and the door creaked open. The room was pitch black, the only source of light emanating from the door Lanah opened. She peeked her head inside and scanned the area, looking for movement. The deafening silence made her stomach tighten and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Something was in the room. And it was watching her.

Lanah pushed the door open further, staying at the entrance until she spotted the location of the reactor. According to Ryan, the light would hit the reactor and it would give off a distinguishing glow, and it would easily fit in the palm of her hand. Lanah was hoping to find it, retrieve it, and lock the door again before anything happened. However, whatever was in the room was already alerted with her presence. Lanah's eyes ran over the room until they landed on something with a bluish glow. She smirked, identifying the reactor. It was small enough to fit into her palm, but the energy surging within it may burn her hand if not handled properly. Pulling the bag out of her pocket Ryan had given her with one hand and the machete in the other, she took her first step into the room. The room was daunting, and each step made her nervous. She edged closer to the reactor, her eyes on the swivel for any unwanted movements. Lanah had no idea what could be in here if the doors on the outside were sealed. Only a human could've gotten in. Lanah made it to the reactor, and saw it was mounted to the stand. Releasing the clamps around it, she picked it up with haste and dropped it into the bag. Lanah tied a knot on the top, and then tied another one to her side so she wouldn't lose it. Lanah turned and froze as she stared at a shadowy figure.

On first instinct she thought it was a beast, but as it rose from the floor, her mind went to the cannibals in the forest. The human-like figure gave her the impression of a creature she could simply dismember, but as it continued to rise, she felt less certain. Lanah swallowed nervously as she tightened her grip on the machete. Her eyes finally met the figure's and fear swallowed her, making her throat go dry. She knew what kind of monster this was, and she couldn't kill it. Only another beast could destroy this. She and the boys needed to get out of here if they wanted to live. She knew she woke it up as soon as she opened the door, and she had a feeling the people who were here long, long ago must've stationed it here to guard the reactor. Lanah silently cursed herself for not thinking of this earlier. Of course someone would station this monster here. No one would enter the room and live to tell the tale. A low growl rumbled in the monster's throat, and sweat began to dot Lanah's forehead.

The monster was known, as far as Lanah was concerned, as a Bane. A human-like creature cloaked with dry, stretchy skin, eyes dotting the front and side of its head like a spider. The Bane had two dots for its nose, and a line stretching all the way from the collarbone, up to the mouth, and to the other side of the collarbone. This line was its mouth, and it would unhinge itself like a snake, revealing venomous fangs at the front, and smaller canines on the back. Its fingers and toes were long and boney, equipped with claws to make mincemeat out of its prey. The eyes on the front were a silver to help it see in the dark, while the eyes on the side of its head were yellow for the daytime. Bones protrude out of the back of the Bane, its spine flexible to allow the monster to turn in inhuman ways. The monster would be easy to kill if not for one slight problem; it could regenerate its severed body parts. Cutting off its arms and legs would give Lanah a chance to escape, get the boys and go. Lanah would aim for the head, but the bones surrounding the neck area made it nearly impossible for a one-time hack. The monster would only allow one time.

Her strategy at the ready, Lanah twirled the machete in her hand and the monster opened its mouth partly, revealing the large fangs at the front. Lanah was already fighting poison; what more could hurt her? She lunged and the Bane bent backwards to avoid her strike. Swiping at her with its claws, Lanah ducked and aimed the machete at the leg. The leg flew in a different direction as the monster raked its claws down her back. Lanah smiled as she took off the other leg. She didn't feel a thing; she could only tell the monster made contact through the blood on its claws. The monster fell to the ground, letting out a loud bellow. As Lanah sliced off its arm, the other arm came across her face, leaving two large gashes on the right side of her face. This, she did not feel either as she lopped off the last arm. Squirming, the Bane let out a shriek as Lanah made her way to the door. Something caught her foot and she tripped, landing face first. She turned around and saw the Bane had extended its spine and latched onto her foot with its fangs, the venom beginning to dissolve her shoe. Abandoning the shoe, Lanah scurried to her feet and ran for the door as the monster's legs already began regenerating. The Bane was awake, and a lock wouldn't be able to hold the monster back, so Lanah only shut the door and ran down the hallway. The Bane's claws were made for slicing through even the toughest metal, so Lanah knew they didn't have time. She rounded the corner and into the recovery room. Garrett was up, and Ryan had the bags ready. When they saw her appearance, their mouths fell open.

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