Chapter Four

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Lanah's tensed appearance set Ryan and Garrett on edge. She wasn't like this when she first met them nor was she like this with anyone who lived in the trees. Lanah on the defensive with this particular person could only mean one thing...

"Nice of you to drop by, Erik," said Lanah, all previous humor vanished from her tone. The corners of Erik's mouth smirked as he looked up at the trees, then back down at Lanah.

"I'd say you did the dropping in. I was taking a stroll, minding my own business, when a beautiful smell caught my nose and I knew, " Erik said, stretching out his arms to make his point even more dramatic, "that you would be coming to the ground today." Garrett wasn't sure if he could take this man seriously. He blinked a few times, then cast a glance over at Ryan to see that he, too, was confused. Everyone in the tree tops were terrified of Erik and yet...this is how he acted?

"Leave us alone, Erik," warned Lanah. "Can't you see what I have with me?"

"Yes I see the little Republic and Order brats," cooed Erik. "I also know their guns have limited shots and without their technology to revive them, I'd say it's, oh, I don't know, five shots max?" Garrett and Ryan looked at each other again, knowing he was absolutely right. "They aren't going to waste that on me. Not when they need it in the Badlands."

"How did you know where we were going?" Ryan asked.

"It's all over your face," mocked Erik. His eyes slithered back over to Lanah. "I also know that a certain someone finally got the boot? What are you going to do, Lanah, with no one to protect you anymore?" Garrett paused. What did he mean Lanah got the boot? Why did she need protection? Ryan slightly lowered his gun as he looked from Lanah to Erik. Garrett looked back at Erik, and his eyes widened with horror. Erik's eyes had narrowed into slits, and he looked like a wolf who had cornered his prey. His hands tightened into fists and Garrett saw his muscles tighten with anticipation.

"I've never been scared of you, Erik, and I certainly won't start now," snapped Lanah. Erik chuckled at this, clearly amused. He took a step forward and Lanah held up her knife in a defensive stance. "Where's the rest of your pack?"

"Devouring the last meal I caught them," he said nonchalantly. "What can I say? Some people still wander aimlessly down here without a care in the world." He took another step.

"Follow this path," whispered Lanah to Ryan and Garrett. "Get to the Badlands. I'll meet you there."

"Splitting up is a horrible idea," mused Erik as he took another step. "Honestly, Lanah, you think you can overpower me?" Garrett was at a loss. He didn't know whether he should stay to help Lanah take on this cannibal, or head to the Badlands where he wouldn't follow. Ryan nudged Garrett, who seemed to have already made up his mind. Reluctantly, Garrett and Ryan took off down the path, leaving Lanah alone.


"Wow," said Erik as he watched the boys take off.  He let out a low whistle in astonishment. "They really did listen to you. I thought they would at least stay to protect you. Not very manly, are they?" Erik let out a loud whistle, and soon enough, Lanah heard animal-like cries echoing in the distance behind Erik. Lanah wasted no time; in a flash she charged Erik, swinging her knife upwards. Anticipating her approach, Erik took one step back as the knife whistled by. Lanah blocked his roundhouse kick, but the blow was strong enough to send her rolling to the side. Again she was on her feet, dodging Erik's lumbering arms as they tried to grab her. She dropped and swung out her leg, knocking Erik off his feet. She didn't need to overpower him--she needed to be quicker than him. Her speed gave her the edge. As Erik landed with a loud thud, Lanah took the knife and jammed it into the ground, the blade piercing Erik's shirt and pinning him to the ground. Lanah leaned down and whispered into his ear.

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