Chapter 12

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Late afternoon, Beam was on his way to Phana's dorm to get some painkillers. When Phana asked why he needed it, Beam reasoned out that Calculus was giving him a headache, which was partly true.

The main reason was that his body was still sore. Forth took him that morning until he fainted. He should have been given an award as best actor for hiding the pain so well. He didn't want Forth to get anxious over nothing. He actually liked how much Forth needed and wanted him.

Since Phana had still classes, he let Beam got the medicine by himself. Beam went straight to Phana's bedside table. He opened the drawer to get the medicine.

A white documentary envelope with a word ‘confidential’ written in all caps caught Beam's attention. Beam took it and had a brief look on it. Since it wasn't Beam's nature to touch things that wasn't his and without permission, he was about to put the envelope back to where he found it when the content slip out. He read it.


“Paternity Test Certificate”

Beam had wished he didn't read it because the moment he read the conclusion of the DNA test result, tears kept flowing in his eyes.


“Based on our analysis, it is practically proven that Mr. Bernard Baramee is not the biological father of the child Beam Baramee.”

The result only meant one thing. He was not his parents' child. He was not their own flesh and blood. He was not a Baramee.

Beam's body was trembling. He felt shattering into pieces. Tears kept flowing from his eyes. Who was he? Why did he feel so empty?

Beam was lost in confusion, in anger. He screamed out loud and crumpled the evidence of his identity.

Beam was sobbing when Phana arrived. Phana's face turned white at the sight of the crumpled document.

“Beam, let me expla...”

Beam cut off Phana's words, “I'm warning you, P'Pha. Just answer my questions with honesty. I want nothing but the whole truth. If ever you're going to lie to me, you will never see me again.”

Phana nodded, “I'll tell you everything I know, but please don't shut yourself on us. We are still family. You are still my cousin no matter what happens.” Tears welled up in Phana's eyes.

Beam stared at Phana with eyes devoid of any expressions. “For how long did you know about it?”

“For six months already.”

“Since when?”

“When I was still a First Year student.”

“Is this what you were asking me the last time we had lunch in your faculty?”


“How did you know?”

“One of the topics discussed in our Biology class is physiological variations. There are three types of ...”

Beam interrupted, “Spare me with medical terms. Please say it directly to the point.”

Phana heaved a long sigh. “Have you remembered the day I asked for your blood as a sample in our laboratory test? I also had asked Uncle Bernard, Aunt Amy, my Dad and my Mom for it.”

Phana continued, “We were asked to classify the blood samples according to the ABO Blood Group System. Blood Typing in simpler term.”

Phana cleared his throat and gulped, “Uncle Bernard, my dad and my mom are all under Blood Type A

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Phana cleared his throat and gulped, “Uncle Bernard, my dad and my mom are all under Blood Type A. Aunt Amy and I have the Blood Type O. And you, Beam, have the Blood Type AB. There's no way that Uncle Bernard, an A, and Aunt Amy, an O, gave birth to an AB offspring.”

“Why didn't you tell me?” hurt was evident in Beam's voice. He felt betrayed.

“Because I was not sure yet. Doctors have Ethic Codes to follow. We cannot just divulge any information without thorough investigation and laboratory tests. Three months ago, I secretly took samples from you, from uncle and aunt for DNA Test. I was praying all the time that my speculations were wrong. The result came the day before we had a talk. That's why I asked if your parents had already told you about something...I mean, you being an adopted. They promised me that they'd be the one to tell the truth to you.”

In enfeebled state, Beam asked, “How did my parents know that you knew about it?”

“I confronted them right after I had submitted the blood samples for the test. They asked me how I found out. I told them that it was through our Biology class. They asked me not to tell you, Beam.”

Beam chuckled. Sarcastically.

“So, this is the reason why they forced me to take up Engineering. They're not planning to tell it to me in the first place,” Beam smiled faintly.

Beam stood up, and though his knees were shaking, he headed through the door.

“Beam, please stay until Forth arrives. I’ll call him,” Phana tried to stop Beam. He knew that Beam was about to break down.

“Don’t you ever call him, P’Pha. I don’t want him to see me like this. I’ll be alright,” then Beam left.

Phana called Forth nonetheless. He was really worried for Beam. He wanted to be with him, but he knew that it wasn't him Beam needed. He didn't tell anything to Forth. He would leave that to Beam. He only asked him to fetch Beam in his dorm.

Beam was trying to keep his sanity. He's fainting, but he wouldn't let anyone caught him in a vulnerable state. He had to escape. Where? He didn't know where to go. Did he still have a place to go?

Tears fell once more from Beam's eyes down to his cheeks. Nonstop.

Darkness started to engulf Beam. But, before he was utterly sent into a transient oblivion, he saw Forth. Forth's image was fading. Right before his eyes.

To Be Continued...

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