Chapter 5

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It was a one fine morning, but Beam could not even bring himself to appreciate the beauty around him.

Beam wasn’t himself since he had a talk with Phana yesterday at Med’s food court. He got all worked up over Phana’s questions such as if Beam already knew, and if his parents had already told him.

When Beam asked what was there needed to know, Phana suddenly became elusive.

Beam tried really hard to have Phana divulged any information he had knowledge of, but Phana was way smart enough to understand what Beam was trying to do.

He gave his parents a call, but he couldn’t get through to them. They spent quite a lot of time working overseas for these past few days.

What did I have to know? What did my parents have to tell me?” Beam gently massaged his temple. Great! Now he was having a headache. Who wouldn’t be if he hadn’t even had enough sleep?

Since Beam wasn’t at his best while heading to his Calculus class, he didn’t notice the guy ahead of him who made a sudden turn.


The strong collision threw Beam off balance and fell on the tiled-floor. Beam bit his lips to suppress the foul remarks.

Shit! That truly hurts!” Beam silently cursed the person he bumped into. Hurts painted all over Beam’s face.

A deep, soothing voice asked Beam worriedly, “So sorry, Nong! Are you alright?”

Beam looked up and saw a hand reaching out. He grabbed it on because he really needed a hand to pull himself up.

He calmed himself down not to retaliate before facing the culprit of his fall. Beam knew that he had his own share of responsibility since he’s walking like a zombie.

Upon seeing the red jacket, Beam could only utter in silence, “Oh my… a hazer! I’m so dead!

With trembling voice, Beam replied after giving his senior a wai, “I…I’m fine, P’. I’m sorry, too!”

“No, it’s my fault. Let’s go to infirmary to check if you have any concussions,” the hazer insisted with worried eyes.

“I’m really fine, P’. I’m not a girl,” Beam smiled to assure the guy that there’s nothing to worry about.

“Are you sure, Nong?”

Beam nodded assuredly.

“Well, then…I’m Knot, a third year Industrial Engineering student,” Knot extended his right hand to Beam for a handshake.

Beam accepted his senior’s comfortably firm handshake, “I’m Be…”

“Beam Baramee, Student ID 0029, a first year Architectural Engineering student. I know who you are, Nong Beam,” Knot cut him off. “I saw your performance yesterday. You’ll be a great violinist in the future.”

Beam cleared his throat, eyeing his hand which was still in Knot’s grasp.

“Oh, sorry!” Knot let Beam’s hand go from his grip.

“It’s alright. I’ll go ahead of you, P’Knot. I still have a morning class to catch up,” Beam gave Knot a wai before turning away from the third year hazer.

Knot ran his fingers through his hair dejectedly. He let out a long sigh when Beam disappeared from his sight. He turned on his heel and marched back to the food court where he left his assignment book.

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