Chapter 7

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Forth took a glance at his wristwatch to check the time. It's twelve noon already, but Beam wasn't there yet.

Forth's longing eyes couldn't stop looking for Beam. He didn't care even if he earned teasing eyes both from his seniors and his hazing team.

"By the way, why are you here, P's? You should be at the food court at this hour. Lunchtime already," asked Forth with stern eyes sending his seniors a message to leave the Hazers' Haven.

"Are you trying to make us leave, N'Forth?" asked Aim in threatening voice.

Kongpob laughed, "You're so possessive, lover boy!"

The Head Hazer's remarks made everyone burst into laughter.

"We will eat our lunch here, whether you like it or not," Knot said adamantly to Forth's indirect rebuff to them.

Ming asked his seniors, "Since when did you like having lunch here, P's? You just hangout here from 1 p.m. onwards."

"Exactly!" the rest of the Second Year hazers shouted in agreement.

The bantering in the Hazers' Haven was cut off when, out of nowhere, a flute played.

Everyone was searching where's the music coming from. They somehow knew who played it, even if the musical instrument used was different. They knew it was Beam. He was the only student who could play classical music well in their faculty.

Each note was vividly transformed into a melancholic melody. Neither of them uttered a word nor dared to move.

Forth could see in his peripheral vision the sudden change of emotion written all over from his friends and seniors' face. From surprised to feeling blue.

Forth felt that he must not be enthralled by the spell that Beam's music had cast in and out of the area because, if he let it, he'd be trapped.

Forth might not have the skills in playing instruments as great as Beam, but he knew what Beam had felt as of that moment.

Beam was sad. He had been since the gathering. He had been refusing his gaze. Didn't even spare him a glance when P'Kong asked for his explanation why he hadn't had a single signature from his seniors on his book.

Forth had to find Beam before the music ended. He had to find him. Not later. Not tomorrow. But now!

Forth quietly stood up and followed where the music was coming from, leading to Beam.

"Found you!" said Forth aphonically with love in his eyes upon seeing Beam standing under the old shady tree. All along Beam was just there behind them.

He went closer to Beam as quiet as he could be careful not to create any noise that would distract him.

Forth's heart suddenly felt pain at the sight of Beam full of tears while playing that damn, sad music.

But, why? Why was he sad?

Forth was really confused.

When Beam opened his eyes, Forth gave Beam a gentle eyes to comfort him.

Forth gently brushed Beam's tears away from his beautiful, though sad, eyes with his thumb. He couldn't help himself but asked Beam, "Why are you crying?" God, how he really wanted to know!

Beam smiled weakly before giving Forth a reply, "I didn't get to borrow a violin. I'm afraid you'll get mad."

How could Beam say that! No, no, no! He cupped Beam's face, then said, "I'm not mad at you. I can't get mad at you."


Forth knew that it was too soon to confess, but he really loved Beam so much. Why hid it? He wanted Beam to be his only.

Life is too short to waste it, too short to hold back. Forth didn't want to have any regrets, and so, without hesitation, Forth confessed, "Because I love you!"

Then Forth leaned in to kiss Beam. He tilted his head to his right. He then slightly opened his lips, and kissed Beam's bottom lip to intertwine their lips that lingered for a couple of seconds. Forth wanted Beam to feel him so he applied a little bit of pressure. Then, Forth slowly pulled back and looked at Beam intensely. Good heavens! It was just a fleeting kiss, and yet, Forth felt like in heaven already!

Beam was still in a daze after the kiss. He locked his eyes on Forth's, and with shaking voice asked for clarification, "Since when? But, I heard you this morning talking to someone over the phone that you are already in love with someone else. That someone else is me?"

Forth smiled, "Right on the spot, baby! Since when? Since the moment you stepped your foot in the Registration Area. I was there but you didn't see me," he claimed Beam's lips once again. Forth really loved how Beam's lips tasted like. So sweet!

Forth pulled back abruptly when he remembered something.

"You mean... I am the reason why you were crying and looking gloomy this morning, and even come to the point of torturing everyone with that melancholic melody?" Forth asked with eyes wide open.

With blushing cheeks, Beam nodded.

Forth smacked his forehead. So, he was the culprit after all.

"Come on. Say it," Forth urged Beam to confessed. He then wrapped his arms around Beam's waist.


"Come on, baby...say you love me, too. Please na," he was now giving Beam a puppy look.

"I am happy now, Forth, and but still, no. I won't say it. You had given me a hard time, you idiot! So, I'll see to it that you'll get a taste of your own medicine," Beam kissed Forth before removing Forth's arms around his waist. Then, Beam stuck his tongue out at Forth before giving him a grin. A cute grin.

Forth put his left arm around Beam's shoulder, "You're a tease, baby! Alright, I'll let you have your way this time," said Forth concededly. "I can wait. I love you, Beam." Forth gave Beam a peck on his forehead before heading back to Hazers' Haven.

To Be Continued...

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