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"You inspire my inner serial killer," ~ idk 

Chapter Six:

The five so-called friends sat at the small table, silence masked the entire room. The only noise that rose upon them was the noise of Hanji eating. Erwin wanted to scream out something for a conversation to come up, but when he saw Levi's stoic face, he settled down. Eren picked at his food, sighing every now and then. He wasn't interested in the food, deep down inside, he felt like he was going to hurl and Levi saw. Bertholdt was tensed with the aura Levi gave off, he knew Levi was a bad guy. Not the only way he looked, but the way he stared, but maybe he was just judging too much. 

Bertholdt had thought that Eren didn't want  to eat his dish, so he scrapped up some noodles into the spoon and told Eren to open his mouth. Eren visibly gulped. In a lightning flash, Levi had Eren in his arms.

"You've been with him for six months and you don't know what would happen to him if you give him food?" Levi asked. Eren engulfed Levi's strong sweet and minty scent, his headache of smelling all the food being relieved. Levi kept his guard up, not removing his hands from Eren. Hanji had stop eating, Erwin was entertained. A smirk plastered on his face, which pissed off Levi. Levi was still paranoid about what Erwin had said, what was he planning on doing?

"Get your hands off him," Bertholdt growled, gripping harshly at Eren's wrist and pulling him towards his chest. His grip wasn't loosening, it only got stronger. 

"You--You're hurting me," Eren mumbled as he tried taking off Bertholdt's grip. Levi was pissed. Hanji knew what Levi was capable of, so they went to grab Eren out of Bertholdt's grip.

"You see, I hate violence. And these two are my close friends, if you inflict pain on them, you inflict pain on me, and I'm not one to be messed with," Hanji glared down at Bertholdt. Yeah, Bertholdt was tall, he was taller than everyone here, but Hanji made him look small. Levi knew the sadistic side of Hanji, but they never let it out. Always when they were in danger, they would bring it out. "You two, settle this. I don't think Eren is feeling good, so it's best if one of you guys take him."

"I'll take--" both the males look at each other, their hands reaching out for Eren. 

"You can go home, I'll take him," Bertholdt said, reaching forwards to Eren. Levi smirked, smacking Bert's hand away.

"I've known him longer and I've actually dated him for more than half a day," Levi shot at him, taking off his coat and putting it on Eren. 

Hanji huffed, she was about to say something, but Eren beat her to it.

"Levi'll take me home," Eren coughed a little, standing up on his own--Levi helping him. "I'll feel much safer with him by my side. Let's go."

When they were going out the reserved room, Levi gave a smirk to Bertholdt. 

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Levi whisper-yelled. "If you don't know someone, don't go out with them!"

"What are you talking about?" Eren mumbled. "I know him plenty to know he's a good guy."

"Well, you don't know him enough. He's in the mafia Eren, working beside Reiner,"

Eren felt a lump in his throat. This can't be. 

"No way," Eren shook his head. "Can we go inside the car? I'll tell you everything."

Levi nodded. In his head, he didn't want Eren to go home. It was dangerous right now. Many thoughts went in his head. What if he lost Eren forever? What would he do if that ever happened? Aamon was right, and he hates admitting that he's wrong, but Aamon was right. He did feel like shit. 

As they got in the parking lot, Levi put Eren in the passenger seat, and went to the driver side. They both buckled up and Levi started the engine.

"When you told me that I have to bring my boyfriend, which I don't even have, I asked Armin to search for one for me--"

Eren told him everything. It was embarrassing, but Eren knew Levi was the right person to tell this thing to. And as he finished his last sentence, Levi had an idea what Erwin had done. He gripped his steering wheel, which got Eren scared a bit. Eren has always been scared when Levi was mad, but he got use to it. He felt bad for the ones Levi has beaten up, it has never gone well. They don't die, but they get disabled. Broken legs, broken ribs, broken arms, broken finger(s), just a lot of broken things. And I don't mean fractured. 

"Y'know--" Eren started when the car had became an awkward silence, "--I've missed you so much."

Levi's heart thumped, but he just nodded. "Yeah, same," 


"Oh?" Levi repeated. 

"I-I mean, I thought I would get an 'I miss you too', but I get a 'yeah, same'," Eren giggled. Levi couldn't help, but smile from Eren's little giggle. It's been a long time since he's heard it. Too long. Eren had fallen asleep along the way and the only thing that woken him up was the sound of the car screeching. 

As it came to a halt, Levi's eyes had widened, and Eren was shock because this wasn't like Levi. 

"What the hell Levi?" Eren groaned. Levi snap his head towards Eren, a shocking and afraid look on his face. Even Eren could feel terror. "W-What?"

"You can't go home tonight," 


Short chapter :)

I'm going to try to upload every Thursday or Friday

No Regrets (LevixEren)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt