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"I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay." ~Madonna 

Chapter Three:

"I got a call from Armin, he told me that Eren was at the hospital. I got worried, I haven't seen the dude for weeks, so I thought he got stabbed or shot, maybe raped. When I arrived, dude he was busted. He was black and blue all over, his feet had many blisters, he looked dead. I later found out that he fell unconscious, somewhere in a street far away from his home. A person driving by had saw him and took him to the hospital. We don't know how long he's been in that cold weather for, but he showed up at the hospital at five in the morning. He woke up a week later and he refused to eat and sleep, the doctors told us that the reason he fell unconscious in the first place was because he was already fatigue. He's been in and out of the hospital, it's like his second home. We force him to eat and sleep, but he refuses the food and if we put it in his mouth, he just throws up. For sleeping, he fakes it. It worries all of us, really. He really is thinner now, but there really isn't any possible way for him to get better. He says he's fine, but I know he isn't. Something happened during those weeks he's been gone, but he refuses to tell us. To this day, he still refuses to eat and sleep, so this all I can tell you for now. Do you guys have any idea--"

Levi wouldn't stop replaying the recording. Eren is like this because of him. I mean, Levi doesn't eat and sleep, but he doesn't go to the extent where he passes out. Maybe three days later he'll rest and eat something, but Eren is everyday. If someone offers Levi food, of course he'll eat it, but Eren, he actually refuses to eat. Eren lost his job and is now staying with Mikasa and Armin, those are the people who he trusts for now. Levi was crying a lot. Knowing that his ex-boyfriend loved him so much just to do this, was really heart breaking. 

"I'm... sorry," Eren mumbled. Levi smiled, knowing that Eren always talks in his sleep. It's cute to know that he still does. "Levi, I'm so... sorry."

Levi grabbed his hand, putting it on his forehead. "I'm sorry too, Eren. This is all my fault. If you can forgive me, please forgive me. I'll get on my knees if I have too."

As Levi looked up, Eren's eyes were slightly opened. "Eren? Hey Eren, can you hear me?" He put his hand on his cheeks, feeling his warmth, but Eren moved his head away from his hand. "I'm sorry." He mumbles, standing up, and leaving the room. He wasn't going to be rude and just leave him there, he went into the kitchen and made him something to eat. Omu rice.


Aamon and Sebastian were sitting quietly on the couch, just cuddling. Levi didn't see them, but the couple did hear him. Well, only because Levi was being loud. Aamon peaked over the couch, letting Sebastian squeeze his butt.

"Knock it off," Aamon smacked his hand, but Sebastian ignored him. Aamon sighed, knowing he'll lose to him, so he faced back to Levi. He narrowed his eyes, watching Levi's every move.

He's cooking?

Aamon tapped Sebastian's head, motioning him to come look at this. 

"Eren's most likely awake," Sebastian mumbled.

"Can we go see him?!" He whisper-yelled. Sebastian glared at him, putting his hands between Aamon's face, squishing it.

"Why do you want to see another man? You should only want to see me," Sebastian mumbled with a pout. Aamon smiled.

"I see you everyday. You should know I love you more than anyone you big baby," Aamon giggled. "Is someone jealous?"

Sebastian stepped back, walking towards the stairs. "You wish!" He yelled as he climbed the stairs. Aamon laughed, running towards him.

"How about we go to your room instead?" 


Levi had finished making the Omu rice in less than ten minutes. He knew it wouldn't be as good as others, but he tried his best. That's what counts, right?

He brought it up stairs to Eren right away, and luckily he had awoken. Although he felt drowsy, he didn't feel like going to sleep (A/N: me right now, it's 4 in the morning). He brought the cart in, the wheels squeaking as it made its way towards Eren. Eren, on the other hand, was shocked to see Levi. He was breathless. No wonder why this room seemed so familiar. When he locked eyes with Levi, he grabbed his covers, and pulled it over him. He made a burrito out of himself. He didn't want to see Levi, so why is he here? He, as in Eren. 

"I made you some food," his deep, but soothing voice, said in comfort. "If I make you that uncomfortable, I'll step out. Just, please eat."

Eren didn't come out of his burrito until quietness was all over the room. He lifted the covers off him, opening the tray of food. He smelt the delicious rice, under the perfectly-cooked egg. He couldn't help, but smile at the smiley face Levi had drew on the egg with sriracha sauce. He was hesitant, he just looked at it. When he picked up the spoon, he immediately felt nauseous. He pushed the cart away, the tray of food clinking onto the ground loudly. Eren jumped out of the bed, falling, but he picked himself back up and ran towards the bathroom in the room. He didn't even close the door, he went straight to the toilet and threw up liquids. 

When Levi had heard the clink from outside the door, he opened the door in a hurry and saw that Eren wasn't in bed. The sound of him throwing up got his attention, so he crept towards the bathroom door and looked in. 

He stared at Eren, he threw up a lot. It just kept coming out. Tears ran down his face and when he stop throwing up, he mumbled things that couldn't be determined. Levi held back his tears, seeing Eren like this broke his heart. He hid behind the arch way, looking at the clattered food on the ground. As Eren exit the bathroom, he had saw Levi. His eyes widened, his breathing stop for a minute, and he was kind of scared. He gasp, a quiet one at that. He ran towards his bed and pulled the covers over him.

"Do you really hate me that much?" Levi asked, his voice sounded disappointed. Levi had this coming, he had to realize it. Eren didn't know how to answer it. He didn't hate him, but he also felt his heart breaking whenever he was thinking about him. Now, seeing him face to face, he can't help, but blush.

"Why am I here?" Eren mumbled, biting his  lip when he felt Levi walking closer towards him.

"Good or bad way?"


"You passed out in an alleyway,"

"How's that even the good way?" Eren asked, a frown on his face.

"Well, if I tell you the bad way, it's more disturbing, you can say,"

As Eren pulled the covers off, he sees Levi's face in front of him. He blushes madly when he sees a small smile on his face, so he jumps out of the bed and onto the other side.

"I wanna... I wanna go home,"

"Why aren't you eating and sleeping?" Straight and forward, I see. Levi just went for it, to the point.

Eren sighed. "It's none of your business. Why do you even care? I remember--"

Levi didn't let him finish, he had suddenly appeared in front of him, already leaning in to give him a kiss. Eren gasp, pushing him away.

"Stop it!" He yelled. "You broke up with me and I'm already dating someone! You can't just kiss me and think everything between us is fine, it's not!"

Of course, having a boyfriend was only a lie. He didn't know what to say at the time and it just slipped out of his mouth, because that is literally the only thing running in his mouth. Like, you know how a guy would text a girl, and then the girl is like: "I have a boyfriend", yeah, that was Eren.

"You have a... a boyfriend?" Levi asked, catching Eren's attention. He stop yelling and looked at Levi.

"Y-Yeah! So what? You don't care,"

"If you do, why won't we go to dinner together? You, me, and your 'so-called' boyfriend. Tomorrow night, at six pm, at Bersilette,"

"Fine!" Eren yell. He was already at the door, ready to get out of the house, but he didn't want to walk on feet. "By the way, where's Sebastian?"

"Might not want to go in right now," Levi warned, opening the door and leaving.

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