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"If someone gets in the way of you being beautiful, just fucking eat them alive" ~Fashion Enzyme Person

[Please read the bottom part when finished]

Chapter Four:

"Where am I going to find a fake boyfriend?!" Eren yelled at the top of his lungs. It's been thirty minutes since Eren got home, and he hasn't gotten the topic off his mind yet. Why did he agree? Just to prove a point? He was getting desperate enough to surf the internet for a "one-day boyfriend". 

"Where am I going to find one? Where am I going to find one? Where am I going to find one?" He mumbled to himself over and over again, it got Mikasa and Armin even more worried about him.

"Eren," Mikasa said. When Eren finally looked up from the laptop, she hit her head against his.

"Ah! What was that for?!" He clenched his bleeding forehead. 

"Why are you mumbling to yourself?" Armin asked. Eren was hesitant at first. Wouldn't it just be weird to say that you were at your ex's place and now you're going to get dinner with him and your imaginary boyfriend? They'll definitely laugh.

"Do you guys have any guy friends I can use as a boyfriend for tonight?"

"A rebound?" Mikasa asked.

"Um--" Eren scratched the back of his neck. "-well, Levi said he wants to have dinner with me and my imaginary boyfriend."

And I was right, they laughed. They were laughing as if it was a joke, but Eren only pout.

Armin stop laughing, making Mikasa stop laughing. "Wait, you're serious?" He asked, which got Eren to nod. "Aw! Okay, Jean has many friends!"

"It has to be a boy, not a girl," Eren clearly states. 


It was movie night at the Ackerman household, well, for Sebastian and Aamon. The three men who lived in the house were all in the big screen room. Sebastian and Aamon weren't even watching the movie, it was a surprise to see Levi down there watching a movie with them.

"Do you think he's possessed?" Aamon whispered.

"I think he is," Sebastian mumbled.

"Hey," Levi said, getting both of their attentions. "Do you think he really has a boyfriend?"

"Aw, is someone jealous?" Aamon giggled, waving his finger in front of Levi's face.

He swapped the dirty finger away from him, using his handkerchief to wipe his hands. "Honestly answer guys,"

"A lot can happen in seven months," Sebastian said. "But, like Markel said, he's been in and out of the hospital, I doubt he'd have time to talk to other guys."

"What if he really does bring a date?" 

"One-day boyfriend, maybe a family member posing? Who knows, honestly," Aamon answered. "By the way, I never got to ask you."

Levi looked dead straight at him. "What?"

"What happened to your mother?"


Ding Dong.

Ding Dong.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

Eren gets off his bed, walking towards the front door.

"Bertholdt!" Armin's cherry voice yelled. "Super glad to have you here!"

"Same," a unfamiliar voice said. "So, um what is this 'special task'?"

"Well, my friend got into something hectic and needs someone to pose as his boyfriend," Armin mumbled, embarrassment in his voice. "And! I'm aware you're not interested in guys, but--"

"I'll do it," Bertholdt smiled. "So, is he my boyfriend?" He points towards Eren who was hiding behind the wall. Armin turn around, looking at Eren.

"Yeah," he nodded. "He's not in the best of conditions, but that's him."

"No, he's perfectly fine," Bertholdt entered the house, walking towards Eren. Eren was quite scared, Bertholdt is super tall compared to him. He grabbed Eren's hands, smiling brightly at him. That's when Eren realized Bertholdt was a big ball of fluff. "I'm Bertholdt Hoover."

"Eren Yeager,"

"You two... get to know each other. I'll go help Mikasa with the laundry," Armin waved both the males goodbye. Eren took Bert over to the living room, sitting beside him. They agreed to ask questions about each other, but only to know each other more. 

"Birthday?" Bertholdt asked.

"March 30," he answered. "When is your birthday?"

"Coincidentally, December 30,"

The two males laughed about having their birthday's both on a thirty. "We are literally nine months away from each other!" Eren exclaimed.

"Technically, I'm only three months away," Bertholdt chuckled.

"Damn, make me feel like a dumbass," Eren pout.

"No! You're not a dumbass, you're cute and adorable... in your own way of course!" Bertholdt exclaimed. He was very embarrassed for saying all that, but it was no lie. He does think Eren is cute, they way he laughed, the way he smiled, the way he joked, the way he pout, just those simple things he does. Eren didn't feel anything when he complimented him, but still, he smiled.

"Thanks, I haven't heard those words for a... very long time," 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you or anything!"

"No, you didn't hurt me," Eren sighed. "Look, there are some things I have to tell you to make it seem like we are really dating."

Eren explained about him being fatigue, why he looked like some kind of twig, who his ex was, what kind of person his ex was, he even told Bertholdt that if he didn't want to do it anymore, he was free to leave. He didn't want to leave Eren, mostly with someone that seemed dangerous. 


"That little pile of shit is probably dead," Levi sneered. "She was the reason why I was imprisoned for five years, that little bitch."

"I'm missing something," 

"Remember how you guys were captured into Alrick and Enrick's hands? Well, when I arrived home, I had saw Kuchel packing her bags. Well, since they had already captured Levi, I wasn't going to let them catch another Ackerman, so I stopped her from leaving. Of course, she did put up a fight, so I locked her up in the basement. Then, she told me everything, so in short: for a free life with no trouble, she sold Levi to the enemy," Sebastian explained.

"My question is, why did you let her leave? Should've just killed her,"

"She told me, if I were to kill her, they will kill me. And you know how afraid I am of them, so I let her go. But, I'm sure, Reiner got her and is probably torturing her. Serves her right for turning against us,"

"And how do you know Reiner has her?"

"It's just a hunch," Sebastian said.

"Because her dumbass can't do anything without Reiner," Levi rolled his eyes. "Forget about her, let's just worry about Eren dating someone other than me."

"Dude, this is your problem. You broke up with him, you don't deserve him, you just bring him pain, period. I told you you'll regret this," Aamon snickered. "Face it, even if he is dating someone else, you'll do anything to get him back. You can't live without him after all."

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