"You look pretty good yourself." I grabbed my leather jacket off the counter and headed his way. Tonight they are predicting the first snow fall of the winter. Im pretty excited to see it. I prefer summer to ride bike but there's something beautiful about snow falling and turning everything into a white wonderland.

Right as i was about to close the door i remembered my car keys. "I thought we'd take my Lamborghini tonight. Make everyone green with envy."

"Really? Can i drive?" Cole's eyes gleamed with more excitement than a child who got their way.

"I'll give you the honors of one last time driving it." I smiled and handed him the keys. He grabbed them and fist pumped the air. He's such a dork and I'm not sure why he doesn't let others see that.

"One last drive? You getting rid of it??"

"Sadly. I rarely drive it and I don't need a vehicle collection. Found someone to buy it at the price i bought it for."

"Damn well it's going to be missed. One last good ride and we're showing up to winter formal in style. Ready babe?" Cole closed the door behind us and we stepped into the elevator.

"Have you ever been to a school dance?" Im sure he's been to all of them with girls in slutty dresses hanging off his arm.

"Yeah but never with anyone i cared about. Usually ended early with all the guys drinking in the parking lot."

"I've never been to a high school dance. Should be interesting."

"Miss. McClain, i am honored to be another one of your firsts. I'll make sure it's a night to remember." We stepped out of the elevator and he grabbed my chin delicately and kissed my cheek. "Wouldn't want to wreck your makeup."

"No we wouldn't." I smiled and Cole opened the passenger door for me. He's always a gentleman.

We pulled up to the school and all heads turned. I couldn't help but smirk knowing my car was way more expensive than any three plus cars combined in the lot. Cole walked around and opened the door for me. Everyone's eyes were on us and i had time not smirking openly.

Grant greeted us first but he never took his eyes off my car. "Woah dude thats how you make an entrance! Who let you drive their car?"

"It's mine."

"No way! You couldn't afford that and I've never seen you drive that before! Who's car is it really?"

"I've got no reason to lie. You're the reason I don't drive it around." Grant always gets on my nerves without trying. His presence alone annoys me.

"Ouch that hurts. Always so feisty. Oh hey there's my date." A platinum blonde barbie id never seen before came walking up in a slutty red dress. Her whole back was open with a plunging neckline. If it wasn't for her caked on make up, 6 inch heels and fake personality the dress would be beautiful.

I lightly tugged at Cole's arm to let him know i was ready to go into the gym where the dance was being held. He understood my need and told Grant we would see him around.

As we walked into the gym i was amazing at how wonderful everything looked. The theme was kept with a simple dark blue and white. Everything sparkled like the ground after a snow storm. It was beautiful. Most people were dressed very nice while other girls looked like they should be working the street.

We set our things down at a table and found our way to the punch table. As i took a sip i nearly gagged because the punch was spiked already. Tasted like rum and it wasn't bad but I definitely wasn't expecting it. Probably wouldn't be long until a teacher caught on.

Back In Black- Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz