"I'm 19 weeks, Lia, almost 20, everyone's going to care," I sigh. She gives me her puppy dog eyes and I roll my eyes while smirking. "Fine, I will."

"Yay!" she shouts and I burst out laughing. "Now you can help me find a cute boy. We're going shopping as soon as school's over. I'll text the girls!" She walks away texting and I can't help but laugh at her. Let's hope it goes well.

After school, Hayden notices Ofelia and me walking out the school gates. "Hey, are you guys not going home?" he asks.

"We're going shopping instead, so there's no need for the lift. Thanks though," Ofelia answers.

"I can drop you both, hop in," he offers and we get in, Andrew already in the car. "So, getting anything nice?" At least he's talking this time, instead of it being silent like this morning.

"We're just looking for something to wear to a party tonight," Ofelia says.

"Party? Is that the one at Paul's?" Hayden questions.

"Yeah, it's supposed to be really good," she confirms.

"Do you think it's wise to be going to a party?" he worries, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Do you think I'm going to be drinking or doing drugs at this party?" I scoff.

"No, I just don't know if a party is the best place for you to be when you're this far along. Anyone could hit into you or push you," he notes.

"I'll take care of myself," I remark, rolling my eyes at him.

"Fine, I hope you both have fun so," he mumbles. We arrive at the shopping centre and head to our favourite shop. She gasps when she sees a beige bodycon dress.

"Oh my god, you have to try this on. This will look so cute with your bump, it'll show it off amazingly," she squeals, holding it up to me.

"I think that'll just draw more attention to me being pregnant. I was thinking something that will conceal it more like a loose flowy top with jeans or something."

"Who cares what people think? You will look beautiful in this, plus it's something you can wear daily as well because it's so pretty. You belly will be able to fit in this no matter how big you get!"

"Thanks, Ofelia," I murmur. "Okay, I'll try it on." She looks for my size and brings it to the dressing room. I put it on and notice that I'm actually getting really big. I knew I was before but this just emphasises it because if hugs every part of my body. I move to the side and place my hand on my belly. I cradle it and a tear falls from my eye. I just wish Hayden and I could be a proper family, he's going to be a great dad.

"Are you okay?" Ofelia wonders.

"I'm fine, I'll be out in a second," I sniffle, wiping the tears away.

"I'm coming in." She pulls back the curtain and sees me crying. She pulls me into a bear hug and plays with my hair. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"It's stupid," I cry, wiping my tears away.

"Stop lying to me. Tell me."

"Just seeing it makes me realise how real it is. I already knew it was real, but it feels more surreal all of a sudden. I miss how Hayden and I used to be. I want him to forgive me so bad. I fucked up my wording, I didn't mean the way I said it. I don't know what to do."

"He knows deep down you didn't mean the way you said it. He's just initially angry at the words you said, he'll calm down soon. Give him a few days, I promise you he'll be back to his normal self and begging you to be with him. I know you don't want a relationship till you can trust him fully but maybe you should give it a chance and see where it goes," she advises.

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