Date Night.

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Chapter 5:

Xaviera's POV:

After school and my fight with Hayden, my friends circle me to know what the fuck is going on. Fortunately, no one heard the fight between us, they only saw me slap him, so I'm in the clear of people knowing I'm pregnant.

"Why on earth did you slap Hayden?" Heather asks curiously.

"He was annoying me," I admit, feeling kind of guilty for my earlier actions.

"What did he do that was annoying?" Winter questions.

"He just kept wanting to talk to me and you all know I hate him, so I wanted him to leave me alone," I state, which isn't a full lie because he did always want to talk to me but I was ignoring him.

"I can't believe you slapped him, you badass," Calla smirks and we all laugh. A few hours after I get home, Ofelia comes to my bedroom.

"Hayden's at the door," she announces.

"Tell him I'm out," I fabricate.

"Mum answered the door and told me to get you, so he knows you're home."

"Shit," I mumble.

"Zavy, what's going on between you two? It's really obvious that something's up, what are you hiding from me?" she enquires.

"There's nothing, Ofelia, he's just trying to get back in my pants," I lie. I guess it was partially a lie because he did kiss me to get back in my pants probably but I figured him out and told him to leave.

"That asshole," she mutters, "Why can't some guys just take no as an answer? I'll give him a piece of my mind." She walks out and I freak out and bring her back.

"No, no, Lia, don't say anything, please! Ju-just stay here, no, no, wait, tell him that I'm studying and I'm too busy, don't say anything else!" I order.

"Okay, I won't say anything else," she promises, giving me a smile. I thank her and sigh with relief, when I hear the front door close. He's gone, thank god. Before sleeping, I go downstairs to get a glass of water.

"Xaviera, are you and Hayden friends again? He's been bringing you to school for the past few weeks and now he turns up and you get Ofelia to lie for you, so he'll leave," Mum notes, as she follows me into the kitchen.

"No, not really," I answer. "He's just trying to fix things between us but I think it's better we just don't."

"I know it's hard to forgive something like that but Hayden was an amazing friend to you back then, he was very sweet and kind and he could be your best friend again if you let him fix things," she advises.

"I already have four amazing best friends, Mum, I don't need any more. Thanks for the advice though, night." I go upstairs before she can say anything else and go straight asleep, so I can get these Hayden thoughts out of my head. I wake up with a smile on my face. It's my date with Lane and I'm so excited and also upset that I have to tell him it can't happen again. I won't let that bring me down though, I'm going to make the most of this date and have fun because I need fun in my life right now before everything changes. The hours fly by and soon it's half an hour before my date.

"Okay, girl, we need to pick stuff out for you to wear!" Ofelia exclaims.

"I need to wear a swimsuit underneath though, so make sure it's something that'll hide it," I remind.

"Or you could just wear a bikini, I know he said swimsuit but he meant either." I can't wear a bikini because I haven't got a noticeable bump yet but there's a tiny bit of a bump on my lower abdomen. You don't even notice it but because I know my body, I know it's there. I remember what Hayden said about some getting a bump at 12 weeks, so if I'm one of them, I've only a few days before my little unnoticeable bump becomes a round little bump. I'm not looking forward to losing my abs and not being able to see my light rib bones, I worked so hard for them with my swimming!

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