Operation Tell Parents.

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Chapter 7:

Xaviera's POV:

I'm 15 weeks now and let me tell you, this is so difficult to hide. I have no clothes that hide it good anymore. My jeans are killing me from my expanding bump and I keep telling myself to go shopping but end up forgetting. I mostly wear leggings because they're stretchable and don't hurt and the shirts I wear are big and puffy. Today I've resorted to going to my sister's room and pick some stuff out while she's not here because her clothing are mostly loose, whereas I wear stuff that's tight to show off my body.

It's been a week since I told Andrew and he's upset because I promised to tell them by the end of the week and I haven't. Even though he's upset, he's not telling them, even though he said he would if I broke my promise, so I'm really grateful for that. Everyone keeps pressuring me to tell them: Hayden, his parents, Lane and Andrew. I'll definitely tell one more person by tomorrow, I might tell Ofelia. I can't hide this much longer, I probably have about a week left before clothing won't help.

"What are you doing?" Ofelia questions, entering her room. Shit, she sees me getting clothes out of her wardrobe.

"Oh, hi. I'm just looking for some loose clothing," I answer, continuing to pick out her loosest shirts.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" she chuckles.

"Of course not! You're so skinny! I just wear more clothes that fit and stick to my body, you wear looser stuff. Are you trying to say I'm fat then?" I counter with a smirk.

"No way, sweetie, you're skinnier than me. You're the skinniest and fittest girl I've ever seen."

"I'm not at all," I sigh. Not anymore, at least, unfortunately.

"Yes you are, honey, I've seen your body a million times."

"I'm not anymore, that's why I'm hiding my body, because I'm fat," I explain.

"You're not! What the fuck, who's telling you that? You've bloody abs, Zavy!" she points out.

"Ofelia, I need to tell you something," I whisper softly, just enough for her to hear.

"What's wrong, honey?" She gives me a look of complete concern. I chicken out of telling her, I just can't let the words escape my mouth.

"Actually, never mind." I start shaking and leave her room with the clothing.

"Sweetie, tell me now," she demands, "You're worrying the fuck out of me." She follows me but I lock my bedroom door behind me. "Open up, Zavy."

"Please leave me alone," I cry, grasping the clothes to me. They're the only thing I can cuddle right now. I want someone to cuddle. I place my hand on my bump and rub my palm and fingers around it to calm me down. Stop stressing; it's not good, especially near the beginning.

After a few hours, I go downstairs and Mum greets me. I sit down beside her at the kitchen table. She eyes me suspiciously and with a hint of concern. Does she know? No, she can't know. Maybe I'm not hiding it well enough. She's going to kill me for not telling her!

"Is there anything you want to talk about, Xaviera?" she asks. Oh bloody hell, she used my first name, this is serious. Who told her?!

"No, why?" I lie.

"I can sense there's something up. You never talk to anyone anymore about what's bothering you. I try to make conversation with you and you just reply with nods or shakes of your head. I want my old daughter back, sweetie, I miss you. Have we done something to upset you? You're acting so strange," she notes.

"No, it's nothing," I repeat.

"So, there is something up then. You can confide in me about anything, I'm your mother, sweetie. Would you feel more comfortable telling your brother or sister what's going on? I know you have a wonderful relationship with them. Ofelia told me you were crying and I just want you to let it off your chest, it'll make you feel better."

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