Dallon Weekes Tweets - 95

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Literally everyone in the comments was like "DALLON MY BB" or like "You're lucky if you get Dally" and like I'm really glad so many people appreciate him so here's a chapter dedicated to him.

The signs as Dallon Weekes tweets:

Aries: Don't drink hydrogen peroxide.

Taurus: Dear rest of the world: Your Dr Pepper game is weak. Do more better. Dally needs his medicine

Gemini: You should use sarcasm HTML. <sarcasm> It's SO awesome. </sarcasm>

Cancer: Whatever, I'm cute af.

Leo: I try to avoid Shrek whenever possible.

Virgo: I'm a shoe. I'm a human shoe. I like to be worn by creatures from the... from the future.

Libra: I often want pizza.

Scorpio: Also, farts are weird, amirite?

Sagittarius: I've never seen cocaine. I've been a touring musician for nearly ten yrs. I feel like I should have at least seen some cocaine by now.

Capricorn: I NEED a sandwich. This is not a joke.

Aquarius: How cool would it be to try waffles at different points in their development? It would be like your tum tum is traveling through time.

Pisces: I was googling 'Danish sperm' like I always do every Thursday night.

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