Chapter 3.) The Secrets out.

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I sat in the little hospital room we had below deck. I was sitting next to Leo holding an ice pack to his forehead. Piper was in the chair next to the bed beside Leo's where Jason was sleeping in. She was sitting cross-legged in her chair and was holding his hand.

We both were sitting there in an awkward silence.

"So, daughter of Poseidon huh?" She asked in a humorous voice.

The corner of my mouth pulled Into a small smile. "Yup. The most powerful one in existence." I sighed sadly.

She cocked her head to one side in confusion. "That's a bad thing?" She asked.

I shrugged. "In a way... I mean, it did keep me from my twin for 13 years." I said.

She nodded. "You and Percy did seem to click when you saw each other. I guess it's just a sibling thing. I still can't get over the fact that you guys are twins though, like, wow!" She said in awe.

I chuckled softly and shifted Leo's ice pack so it wouldn't numb his skin. "Yeah. It was nice to finally see him in person again." I said softly.

"But why hide it from everyone? What was the point in that?" She asked.

"Everyone... Everyone would be afraid." I whispered.

She was silent for a minute. "Of you?"

"Of my power. Pipes, I have the capability to drown Hawaii. I was born more God than human which is why my powers are freakishly strong. It's why I was forced to live in Olympus and train with my dad. If people knew, they would be scared. Even I'm scared of what I can do sometimes." I explained.

She smiled sympathetically. "Well, if anything, your freakishly strong powers saved our butts back in New Rome so we all owe you that." She joked.

I laughed. "There are some perks to it every once in awhile."

I suddenly felt Leo shift from underneath me and I turned my gaze to him.

"Leo? Leo can you hear me? C'mon I could've hit you harder." I joked.

He groaned. "My head hurts. Did I die? Are you positive you didn't kill me?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Almost, almost." I teased back.

He cracked a smile and I fed him tiny bites of ambrosia.

A few minutes after Leo woke up, Jason did too.

"And lightning boy lives!" I joked.

We all laughed. "Yeah thanks for saving us back there." Jason said gratefully. I shrugged. "No prob."

"Wait, saved? Wait a minute, why can't I remember anything after the feast?" Leo asked on confusion.

"You were possessed and you shot a ballista at New Rome. People went nuts and started to come after us and the ship." I started to explain.

"Yup, and just when we were about to give up, your girlfriend here turns out to be a daughter of Poseidon and Percy's twin sister. She literally froze half of the Roman Legion and then sent us out to sea in a matter of minutes." Jason added.

Me and Leo blushed when he said girlfriend. I liked Leo, but I just wasn't sure how he felt right now.

"So yeah New Rome hates us now and they're planning to come after us sometime soon." Piper said in an optimistic voice.

"Why do you sound happy about that?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I figured the happy tone would help ease the despair."

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