Chapter 2.) Mistakes and Misunderstandings

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We made it to the mess hall and sat down at a table with Reyna. Some venti were floating around serving food. I had to hand it to the Romans, they knew how to eat. Burgers, chips, pizza, hot dogs, you name it? It would probably be there.

For me, I just grabbed a pepperoni pizza and a water. Percy got the exact same thing. We both noticed at the same time and just stared into each other's matching blue-green eyes.

We quickly looked away after a few seconds and began to eat our food. As we ate, Jason and Percy took turns telling about their amnesia and quests they went on. Percy told about how hd saved the camp's golden eagle and Jason told about how he saved Hera from her cage.

"Somehow, my brother Nico DiAngelo, is supposed to help, but he's gone missing and I don't know where he is." Hazel explained.

I stopped playing with my one last piece of pepperoni. "Nico DiAngelo? He's your brother?" I asked nervously.

"Erm yeah. You know him?" She asked.

I looked away from her to cover the pain on my face. "It's personal." I told her.

She nodded and Annabeth put a hand on my shoulder. "You've only been at camp for 6 months how did you meet Nico?" She whispered to me.

"I told you it's personal. I'll tell you later." I persisted. She frowned and continued to eat as well.

"Hey, uh, Reyna? I was wondering if I could show Piper around the town. I mean, if it's alright with you." Jason asked.

"Yeah me too but with Annabeth." Added Percy.

Reyna seemed to age ten years but she nodded anyway. Then I realized why Percy was suddenly blushing down at his burger.

Reyna had made a move on my brother, but he had turned her down.

Oh snap. I knew he'd always be a heart breaker when we were younger.

After the feast, I decided to to take a walk along the small pond they had by the gardens. "Mind if I join you?" A voice asked. I turned around and saw that Reyna was standing there in her purple shirt and jeans instead.

"Sure." I answered. We walked in silence for a few minutes until she spoke up. "Are you and your brother twins?" She asked me.

I looked at her in awe. "What?" I asked in surprise.

She shrugged. "Well, the two of you look almost identical except for the fact that you're pretty and he's... Him. And you're not getting wet when you accidentally touch the water." She points out.

I look down at my feet and she was right, my blue-green worn out converse were perfectly dry even though they were in 1 inch deep water.

"Oh, well, since you know, yeah we are twins." I said as I ran my fingers through my ponytail.

She smirked. "So when are you going to tell him and the others? They don't seem to know." She asked.

"Soon. I'm just not positive the exact date but soon." I told her.

She nods and takes a deep breath. "Look, I talked to your friend Annabeth. She's in danger and she's going to need your help. I can tell you're more powerful than any other Demigod here. Even more powerful than your brother. She'll need your help." She said.

"But, what's wrong? What's gonna happen to Annabeth?" I asked worriedly.

She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the sound of an explosion and the ground shaking.

We immediately went into fighting mode. "What is it? Giants? Cyclopes?" I asked as we ran back to the town.

"No," she growled. "It was one of you." She hissed at me.

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