Chapter 5.) The Fight

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"Jeez Percy are you starving or pregnant?" I teased at breakfast. My brother had ate three pancakes five pieces of bacon, a scrambled egg and a blueberry muffin. He was either really hungry or was pregnant.

"Haha you're hilarious sis." He said throwing a chocolate muffin at me which a caught easily. I took a bite out of it and smiled sweetly at him. "It's just another thing you love about your sister." I said as I put my hands together like an angle. He rolled his eyes and continued to stuff his face.

"Nope I think he's pregnant. Congrats Annabeth you're a father!" Piper said excitedly. We all burst out laughing.

"Well, I'm the one giving birth so I get to name it." Percy said as he patted his stomach.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and played along. "Congrats Mommy, could've told me you got knocked up." She said as she took a sip of his coffee.

"Well I'm definitely not getting an abortion." He said putting his hand to his heart.

We all burst out into another round of laughter. "Alright alright before we have any more fun where are we going?" I asked.

We all stayed silent for a minute before Piper spoke up. "Kansas."

We looked after for an explanation and she shrugged. "I saw it in my knife Katoptris. There is supposed to be some guy there waiting for us. He had this cloak on and he was offering me this goblet thing." She explained.

"Mr. D." Percy said.

"How do you know?" Frank asked.

I agreed with Percy, it was definitely Mr. D. "In the goblet, what was in it?" I asked.

"It was bubbly. I couldn't tell what it was exactly since everything I see in my knife is golden." Piper said.

"There's your answer right there. The drink is coke." I said taking a sip out of my hot chocolate.

Everyone nodded in understanding and then Leo went to go set a course for Kansas. "Wait, but where specifically in Kansas?" He asked.

"It was by the giant Welcome to Kansas sign." Piper called back. He gave her a thumbs up and then left for the control room.

"Alright, nickname time. I'm Seaweed Brain." Percy said.

"I'm Wise Girl." Annabeth said while glaring at Percy.

"Beauty Queen." Piper muttered.

"Lightning Boy." Jason grumbled.

"Gem Face." Hazel said while giggling.

"Animal Dude." Frank said while rolling his eyes.

Then everyone turned to me and my eyes widened. "Nope. Nu-uh not happening no nickname."I protested.

"How about Fish Face." Percy teased making a Kissy face at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Kelp head?" Frank suggested also joking.

"Jellyfish girl." Jason joked.

I laughed. "You guys are so rude." I teased.

"Yeah she deserves something nice." Annabeth supported.

"Fine, how about Mermaid?" Percy asked.

"Does it look like I have a tail to you?" I asked him like the idiots was.

"Coral Face? Coral is pretty." Hazel suggested.

"Sea Queen?" Leo asked from down the hall.

"That is perfect we are using that!" Piper said in between laughs.

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